Cossacks of Saporog Are Drafting a Manifesto

Is there any precedent in the modern age for what’s happening to the American conservative movement right now? I mean, it’s been going down the shitter for longer than I’ve been alive, but holy shit, this last decade.

This sort of thing pisses me off so profoundly.

You shoulda deleted those tweets. 

Me was snubbed again!

The film Roma is currently being featured in the following categories: Best Picture, Best Director, Hidden Gems for You and Because You Watched Boss Baby

I have been breathlessly anticipating the take-down of Facebook/Apple/Google/etc. by the EU since the passing of the GDPR like a mother of six daughters waiting for a rich, eligible bachelor to arrive in an Austen novel. I really, really hope this does it for one of them.


Tim Curry is looking pretty good for someone who had a stroke in 2012. I’m glad he’s recovered (or recovered enough to be in this documentary, since I read he’s still using a wheelchair). The mini-series wouldn’t be as scary as it was without him.

I always try and show physical restraint because I feel like violence is more cathartic than productive but Looooooord would this have been a test of my convictions.

It also wasn’t super clear in the story but it sounds like the teacher was male? If so, he needs to be investigated for abuse against any women at his

The Army uses MTVs

In other words, a bunch of police departments with extra asset forfeiture money are about to get new toys to play army with.

Go Fuck Yourself™.

You’re right. That opinion is unpopular.

In large part, the US Navy is the World Navy. It is responsible for keeping the peace and protecting global trade, which we benefit from enormously. Its not exactly fair, but sometimes the best peace policy is overwhelming force. Its worked since 1945 at keeping humanity out of enormously destructive global conflicts,

I have a guy called Miller on the line, wants to know if you have any polling numbers for this idea of a war with the UK? His boss needs them ASAP.

Yet another reason for the US Navy to come back to reality. And that reality is that we don’t have to be everywhere on the globe in overwhelming force all the time.

Oh absolutely. If there is one silver lining to dipshits jumping on the gluten free bandwagon, it's that it is making gluten free options more widely available and affordable for those people that genuinely have Celiac disease.

Works for me.

Weird sex talk, at that. /kinkshame

Baby is so far beyond “hon” or even “sweetheart” when talking to a stranger, I can’t fathom this. I don’t casually address my friends as “baby.” I don’t think my parents call me that. It is sex talk. This guy is fucked up.