
@IPlayMoreGamesThanYou: Actually, there were no assumptions made. Beckett was very specific during his lifetime about how his works should be performed. Part of the rights agreement for his works is a stipulation that the text will be performed as written. Beckett was part of a theatrical movement that believed

I find it ironic that you use Beckett and specifically Waiting for Godot as an example of what would be royalty free now. Beckett (and his estate) has been notoriously protective of his work, Godot in particular, over the years. There is one anecdote that stands out to me, about a group wanting to do the play with

@Skeletor: Or any Star Trek, for that matter.

Well, the Chinese may write their pages in Mandarin, but if they actually want to sell anything on the internet, they will still need to write them in English as well. See, it doesn't do your business model much good if the majority of the hits your site gets are from people with little to no money to spend, and

All I know is this: the other day, Fed Ex showed up in a Budget rental truck to deliver a package to my house. They're so busy, they don't have enough trucks to cart it all.

Well, yeah, it says don't bake the battery, but I just thought that was one of the jokey parts, so I tried it anyway.

@Jackstick: Dude. That's totally uncalled for. These people fuck us up the ass for a living. You can't deny a man his right to a day's pay.

@scotth0: Yeah. Obvious Photoshop. Pffft.

I love the CNN video. The commentator, saying "We're going to show you these photos, and see if you can guess what they are" and then the title at the bottom of the screen "Dry" Niagara Falls. Gee, what could I be looking at here? It must be the Grand Canyon! Is that it? There certainly isn't a waterfall here.

I just found out: these guys are the producers of Turn off the Dark. It all makes sense now.

@Tank: But, my iPhone has an app for that! What do you mean it's not any good?

@Eggyhead85: I could have done without the creepy "bad guy" laugh, but yes, it was not bad. For SNL.

Cousin It.

@BKKKevin: pbbbbbbbbbbbt. Details.

Also to note for Riven: if the app is 1.01 GB, make sure you have at least double that space free on your iPhone or iPod (don't know about the iPad) before you try to sync it, otherwise it will fail.

If Sascha Baron Cohen and Lucas Cruickshank had a kid, and then beat that kid, gave it drugs, and let it interview Jessica Alba, it would be funnier than that.

Taking a quick look around the internet, one will notice that even with spell check, spelling and grammar are not exactly the top priority for people these days. I've even seen blogs and articles written by allegedly respectable journalists claiming to have English degrees where the grammar and syntax were not even

But does it need internet access to work? Because I don't think it's worth data roaming rates to get a translation.

@Dogm1: Yeah, that and 12".