
I’ve spent the greater majority of the last two days wondering how best to reply to this comment. Because I do believe that it is important that I offer a response.

And now you don’t have gear issues compared to previous years, it’s one trade-off for another. You can’t expect to hit max level on an alt and suddenly be able to do high level PVP without SOME work required - it has never been like that, why would it now?

Usually when people talk about things becoming more solo-friendly, they refer to group content that previously required talking to people and organizing things. In that respect, it’s a lot more accessible now. But if you literally mean just activities that COMPLETELY lack human interaction? Then it’s just questing,

If you only want to pvp on alts it’s very easy to do even from day 1. That’s really not something to complain about. It kinda just seems like you’re salty and want to bitch whether you have a good point or not.

More now than ever. You can LFR (auto matchmaking) into most raid content just a few weeks after the “normal” versions come out. The loot is a bit less powerful, but if you’re not looking to push Mythic difficulties with a guild anyway, it won’t matter. There’s a group finder tool to aid in finding people for content

How are any of those things a grind? Artifact Power is given to you for just about EVERYTHING you do. Quests, random dungeons, the bosses in those dungeons, treasure chests, world quests, emissary caches, honor levels, sometimes just off random mobs. With alts, you’re going to be doing most of these things as you

But not a lot of time. Put it this way... it takes less time to get to your level 30 honor talent than it took to get a 5-set of pvp gear in previous expansions. Probably a lot less now that I’m thinking about it.

No, YOU want to play an alt, and folks of a similar opinion are pretending MMOs and RPGs in general aren’t all grindfests.

I have 8 level 110s, working on my 9th, and my main is still geared enough to do mythics and heroic raiding without too much challenge. I’m not bleeding edge doing mythic +10 dungeons, and I’m not hardcore raiding. I just log on for a couple hours each night and enjoy the different stories for each class hall or do a

You gain honor levels SUPER fast. At least fast enough to get the honor talents you need. If you’re in to pvp’ing on your alts, they’ll gain honor plenty fast if you just do it.

?? Grind. Just play normal. Serious, I play very casually. Im 6 points from a maxxed AP weapon, and 862 geared. 0 grind.

Its almost like they did, and its almost like its coming in 7.2.

Not that many people actually maintain good gear alts. And they sped up the AP acquisition for alts (and have removed attunement for alts too). They do plenty.

They’ll never please everyone but honestly this expansion was a huge win for them. I’m still enjoying it very much. As a casual player who long ago retired from “hardcore” play-style I couldn’t be happier with it.

Ion Hazzikostas (Watcher) and his team really have knocked it out of the park this Blizzcon and with this Expansion.

They already fixed this over the summer I believe, they patched TFT to support modern resolutions.

Can I just jump straight into World of Warcraft and have a good experience, or would I be missing too much lore and whatnot for having never played the earlier games?

I agree with Blizzard on this. It’s the right choice. Have you tried playing Goldeneye this century? That game is TERRIBLE.

I was once grabbed from behind at a show at a bar and dragged towards a door as I was standing in the back looking for my friends. Without thinking at all I spun around, grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked his head down into my rising knee. I broke his nose and fractured his eye socket I hit him so hard. I have

I was once harassed by a group of The Youths on a sidewalk outside a bar in France. Whether they intended to take things further than they got, I don't know. My male friend had gone inside the bar to grab his jacket, leaving me alone literally for less than two minutes. While gazing at the chateau across the street, I