
Some people don’t think in terms of “sides” you fucking simpleton. This legislation massively impacts peoples’ lives.

You really don’t understand how American government works, do you?

The GOP blew a 237-193 lead in the House.

I don’t really see how the phrase “the opposite end of the spectrum” equates the two

The craziest part of their conspiracy theory? That one person is responsible for all the animations in a AAA game.

Okay, dude, the fact that you’re even placing a feminist critic - who you may or may not agree with, whatever - offering her critique of games and gaming culture as being in some sense equivalent to/’the other side’ of a group of people who go out of their way to ruin women’s lives is kinda f-ed up? Like, I’m not

Not only is this despicable, it’s testament to how ignorant and stupid these cretins are. Bad animation can be the result of slow tools, unfriendly tech, limited staff resources, and countless other factors (including but not limited to the fact that getting human faces to feel “human” is really friggin’ hard). That’s

Wow do I hate gamers like this. I know there are bad apples in every kind of hobby/fandom/whatever, but man oh man is this particular brand of bullshit getting way too common for my liking.

I shouldn’t be surprised. There’s a scene in Hotel Rwanda where some dude says something to the effect that the enemy (whichever it was— Tutsi?) are “cockroaches.” They don’t view them as human. Everything in the campaign to inspire them is geared toward dehumanizing them. It’s that moment when you see a FB comment by

More people play it than old republic.

Pictured: Everyone who still plays TOR.

General Discussion is full of threads about people quitting and being disappointed with end game and loot. A good story will only get you so far and once you finish it there’s not much reason to continue playing, which is really bad for an MMO.

If only the gameplay was at all compelling. Mindlessly hitting 3 different buttons as i wade my way through groups of trash enemies to get to the next story point. I’ve played a lot of MMOs and Swtor’s is the least inspired combat i’ve seen. It’s just so dated and hard to go back to.

As much as I’d love KOTOR3, at this point I’d settle for having SWTOR back. All this garbage with Zakuul has been tedious and they’ve taken the eight player storylines and condensed them into one, so I continually feel like I’m being shoehorned into a story my character wouldn’t be involved in. Or maybe they would but

For those that are considering playing the game read this before.

I would say that I disagree with you. The game started with a lot of promise, 8 different story lines that have consistently been winnowed down until the point where its a single story line. The plots presented are standard current bioware fare. Its no different than DA III, MA III etc. all the same exact stereotypoes

Story is great, gameplay is not. THat is the problem with this game.

On the save travel timeframe yes, but other than that , the two are nothing alike, gameplay wise, pvp wise, crafting,etc. Crafting, Raiding, PVP pretty much is meh in TOR. I usually sign up for a while beat the expansion and unsub.

I’d say SWTOR has some of the worst travel, not to mention most tedious map layouts in existence, especially in the early levels. The way they designed the game is that every class has their own room in each questing area, so it just makes for huge, bland, boring maps in which your character has to slowly circumvent.

The soundtrack & video editing are the real MVP of this clip. I’m in tears and my coworkers are looking at me funny.