
Even Drogon fell asleep half way through the episode.

I jokes to my wife that the fact he came with his own chair was one of the key reasons in picking him. 

I think what people should do is consider the context before they make moral judgments. But then, I’m a decent person.

Sure, and all the people calling in to report people speeding through the streets, ignoring stop signs, jaywalking, smoking within 25 feet of a building entrance, etc. are extremely helpful during this natural disaster.

You know, I’m going to have to disagree with the pharmacy raiding being a “non-necessity.” My husband’s a type 1 diabetic. I’m bipolar. If we weren’t able to grab our meds/insulin/pump supplies/needles in time (which, I hope we’d be able to) or if they got waterlogged when we were trying to get out and up to higher

I know you posted this to be like, SEEE THE NEGROS ARE STEALING!!!!!111!!!

There was a lot of kicking to the head without due process on that show.

Then again it is Texas. I imagine their police as Walker Texas Ranger* and roundhouse kicking starving children in the head.

I would like to imagine the average cop responding as thus, “Uh, who cares? They’re taking food, not TVs.”

Little bro: Hey fucker. You’re alive. I’m gonna kill you tho.

Do they burn Littlefinger’s body?

He’s concerned because he knows that the best hope for the future of Westeros is for Jon and Dany to do the wincest and have a child that neither of them will live to see rule the new and improved Seven Kingdoms. His biggest worry is that it all didn’t go exactly as he had planned, leaving him feeling conflicted about

I thought it was actually kind of lovely for him to discover that what he thought was his greatest weakness is actually a strength. Heavy handed metaphors are a D&D specialty, but at least this one gave Theon a break for once.

I think he was more concerned that she was making decisions based on wanting to bang the sulky guy in furs rather than what is best for the kingdom.

I first found the AV Club reading the GOT reviews in season 3, and I’ve stuck around because those were the best comments on the internet. Even though I don’t often comment, y’all weirdos have made me laugh and provided insight countless times.

So there’s no way to sort by newest posts? Jeebus God, Kinja sucks!

Theon’s superpower is he has no dick

Nice of them to all sit there waiting patiently while The Hound hashes it out with big bro.

“The witch who killed my husband” is also what I call my OBGYN.