
Please tell me more about my imported copy of Ni No Kuni on Nintendo DS I’ve had for 6 years

“ The game’s muddy textures and flat, gray skyboxes certainly didn’t do it any favors. Halo: Combat Evolved came out just slightly before it, making Azurik look dated by comparison despite both games looking on par with Ocarina of Time, a game three years their senior.”

Wait what? are you seriously implying that Halo

Yes, people who do racists things frequently disagree that they are doing a racist thing. Funny how that works.

It wouldn’t have disappeared but it also wouldn’t have been abetted by the President you ass.

It wasn’t about political commentary until he defended his “joke”. Comedians are called out for “inappropriate” or “offensive” jokes all the time. The appropriate response is either to not respond because a joke does not need to be defended, while a political commentary does. Or he could remind everyone it was a joke

Yeah, she says stuff like that after non-white people call her out for the racist depictions of, say, Asians in her show.

So the guy perpetrates the violence and then blames the woman for not preventing it? (Checks all of human history.) YUP! CHECKS OUT!

calling someone a “trap” is super fucking offensive, you know that right?

“Too many zombies.”

We fill in our eyebrows, bud.

You don’t just hire engineers like you buy candy. They have to learn their framework, and they have to find competent people. Having a fuckload of cash does not solve problems at an infinitely exponential rate. The hiring process remains unchanged

She needs to go sit in a coffee shop and be judging people on listening to mainstream music.

He does have a shit-eating grin

So where do you put your vagina?

The wait is starting to get on my NERV.

For some reason I don’t feel like blaming the loss on the only guy who scored points for his team yesterday.

I disagree

There’s really only two reasons that something should appear before a game starts:

This is an important distinction to make.

Search like most shit on this site is broken anyway. Try this from google: site:lifehacker.com search query. Gawker should pay some fucking developers and writers for that matter. Fucking cheap fucks. Fuck you.