
Twat Lickspittle.

This kind of shit is why I stopped watching such shows.

So did 2017 and 2018.

Brown is appealing to the rural crowd, the non-college educated, and the blue collar workers with this agenda. Y’know, the ones who thought Orange Rump would bring back jobs to those areas. It’s a smart appeal, IMO, because that crowd is ripe for stealing at this point in the process. The sneaky thing about this

Obivious things are obvious. 

100% guarentee Rule 34 applies, esp. in Ancient Rome. *snicker*

One other thing: astrology has been around for thousands of years because due to the impulse of thinking man to understand their position in the universe, and the universe’s influence on them. That’s the core meaning, the driving force behind astrology. Thinking man looked up, saw patterns in the sky (constellations)

Not that I’ve seen. Think the Christmas Poop from South Park. I’m sure if we dug around enough in ancient Roman literature, someone was doing anthropomorphized poop jokes.

Astrology not being a hard science means different burdens of proof are in play, you know, logic evidence other than statistics. You are ASSUMING that there’s no paper trail. You’re ASSUMING that there’s no double checking. You’re ASSUMING that the whole thing is made up out of whole cloth, and you’re doing all this

One problem for astrology is the huge amount of fraud that goes on in almost all publications. Those sun sign horoscopes are usually made up by the low person or an intern in the lifestyle department, and they are specifically told to make positive things up for each sign. Accuracy is pretty much contraindicated. So

Believe me, astrologers don’t like being conflated with astronomers, either. Astronomers really need to stick to astronomy and quit making themselves fools over the difference between astronomical and astrological zodiac.

Umm...have you hung around middle aged adults recently? A large portion of the conversation will revolve around bowel functions, esp. flatulence due to medication, and include tips and tricks for not stenching everyone out of the car. You know all those boys in sixth grade who thought farting was the most hilarious

I make amazing fruitcake. The trick is to use real dried fruit soaked in a flavored liquor like sloe gin, ginger liquor, or orange vodka. Use your favorite liquor. For the dried fruit, use apricots, cranberries, raisins, currants, cherries, blueberries, or any other types you like. Toast the walnuts and pecans in

Sadly, Blanc Burgers has been closed down for a few years now. I don’t miss their decor, but I totally miss their vegeburgers. *sigh*

Kansas City is number two in a couple of categories: most fountains (behind Rome) and most boulevards (behind Paris). So there’s plenty to see on a driving tour, or even on a cruise around the Plaza before shopping. Also, the city has a lot of trees and grass, so just taking a drive through the city will bring a lot

Seriously. Steve Letarte's voice is ideal to nap to. I listen to replays just to nap. And I too love NASCAR. 

I want that room. I would almost never leave. 

Well that certainly explains why the Rethugians believe in false flag conspiracies--they’re projecting and gaslighting all at the same time. 

Could have been a Unitarian Universalist church. Soccer jersey and gym shorts are more than acceptable in a UUA church.