
Krampus in human drag

I knew my husband less than 2 months when we got married. Thirteen years later, we're still married and not looking to change. We get accused of being cute and snuggly all the time. These things can happen fast AND last.

Make sure it’s not your heart. I was having low, low energy, dizziness, and loss of stamina. Ended up in the hospital on June 7 with a heart attack. I had one vein 95-100% blocked; the doctors put in 3 stents that day. Ended up back in the hospital about 5 weeks later with chest pains again. Then I got my 4th stent. I

Some of us just threw up.

Six year olds are smarter than that tweet. And better spellers. At least the one I know is.

Some of those professional NASCAR drivers ARE the asshats you encounter in online sim racing. A lot of the younger drivers do iRacing as well to learn the tracks.

I’m a lifelong vegetarian, 49 out of 49 years, and I came to say...

It’ll be chick’n. That’ll be how you tell.

Your true colors keep shining through. Your true colors are ugly like a septic pool.

Which god? Because in some gods’ territory, I’m not welcome, either. Pagan, y’know.

The psychopath/sociopath distinction is in civil/criminal law, not in psychiatry (which doesn’t distinguish sources; both are grouped under antisocial personality disorder). Psychopaths are born that way; sociopaths are made by events in their lives such as abuse. Nature vs. Nurture, in other words. And it’s

That’s what you see when you look in a mirror, TheTSelby.

Dude, nope. I’m like, near 50 and I’ve never touched a gun in my life. I don’t like guns for myself. I grew up around guns; my father had several shotguns and a couple pistols. Guns were tools out on the farm I was raised on, and later, for defense because yes, I did have a psycho half-aunt. But for myself, nope. I

That would be a duh thing, not giving gun access to people who have violence associated with ADHD. However, DO NOT BLAME LEGALLY TAKEN DRUGS. That’s as logical as abortion having anything to do with school shooters.

Take your own meds. You seem like an ignorant person.

SMH. The traitor doesn’t understand ADD/ADHD or the role that stimulants play in REDUCING the ADD/ADHD symptoms. Stimulants such as Ritilan may hype up normal people, but for people with ADD/ADHD, it actually slows their brain down and gives them the ability to think and focus without jumping all over the place. It

Except it’s not uniquely American. The obsession with guns is shared with the people of many, many Middle East, African, and Central Asia countries. It’s almost like there’s a synergy there...