Regular swimmer here: pool changing rooms and showers are some nasty places. I hope she got a tetanus shot and burned all these clothes at the end of this.
Regular swimmer here: pool changing rooms and showers are some nasty places. I hope she got a tetanus shot and burned all these clothes at the end of this.
I thought S/he was talking about Books From Birth which was founded by Dolly.
I will always know her as Emily Quartermaine!
I loved Frank! But I also love Holly Hobbie so maybe that’s why???
According to Reddit, the most important and accurate news source in the world, she’s already on probabtion for menacing, or a DUI, or kicking a puppy, or some other crap I am too lazy to google.
My favorite bit from The simpsons: “it’s bringing us peace and love! KILL ITTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!”
Proud planned c-section here! Well if things had gone according to plan.
I was really shocked by all that too.
I noticed the leg too and then thought, “cool! She has normal legs with flaws!”
Please tell me this is really Vicente Fox. Just lie to me. I want to believe.
Yes!!!!!!!! And they also had to find and then earn their place. They weren’t given a place because of their parents money or influence.
As a girl horse, I object.
Fat Thighed Girl here! I wear sundresses all summer long in Mississippi and Denver. Monistat Anti-Chafing Gel is the love of my life. I’ve read Body Glide is equally amazing.
Well boys get the brains. Obviously.
Goddammit! Mom of boy about to hit puberty here: what the absolute fuck is this shit?!?!?! Do you know how fucking hard it is to find a book for boys about puberty? We are currently on It’s Not the Stork and It’s Perfectly Normal but both of those books are kind of lacking. I don’t need a book telling my kid that…
I read on Reddit that she’s also an Olympic Gold medalist but I’m too lazy to look up what it was in.
Me too! I love Lore! But I think of it more as a history/paranormal podcast rather than just a scary ghost thing.
The Kirklands leggings are the best leggings on the whole entire earth.
Damn. I need to get a divorce so I can get remarried and have a Costco registry which consists entirely of Starbursts and that Chicago popcorn stuff.
As usual.