
“With no prior criminal history or skeletons Holtzclaw could hold over her, she reported the incident to her local precinct, outside of Holtzclaw’s patrol neighborhood, and went to a hospital for a sexual assault medical forensic examination.” I’d like to give her the MacArthur genius award. What a ass - and the male


Photoshopping pics of Beyoncé to make her look bad...




my fiancée has always been a big fan of Paul Rudd since his Clueless days, so she loves to think of the resemblance*

Important update: Here's a photo of Ben with his fiancee. Everybody simmer down.

My love for Paul Rudd is such that I am just going to report this as truth.

I read this yesterday, and I do not understand this person on any level. Buy candy and hand it out. If you run out of candy, turn your light off. The end.

Yeah, not the kind of treatment I was expecting. I feel for the girl and hope she gets the help she needs.

Let's not make fun of mental illness, please.

Yes. I'm not on board with the Beyonce worship but I see how worked up Jezebel is over her. They put her on a pedestal and I'm sure Beyonce is aware of her fandom. I can't scrutinize her for giving into the pressure to be perfect. I'm not for photoshopping but if i were always calling her a Queen and praising her, I

Yes, this is the big takeaway. =/ As a Jew with baby hairs, baby hairs have had a long history of complex and artful styling in the black community. That's why. Why do you think they're euphemizing black with "urban?" It's okay. We don't have to be defensive about our baby hairs. It's not about ownership. But it

Solid strategy: stop reading the second you find something to be bothered about. If you keep reading then the rest of the paragraph might fix the problem, and you won't be able to feel put upon and make it about you.

I love this man. He could read the phone book and I would call it art and listen attentively.

I would have thought it's due to fear. The lower your status is in this hierarchy, the more vulnerable you are to violence, because you have less control over your environment. And since people don't want to be victims of violence, they try to distance themselves from that vulnerability. Hence the "better than that"

I don't watch porn, nor does my boyfriend, for myriad reasons, but I loveeeeee this girl.