
I re-binged on Luther last week.

TV (and film) needs to embrace Idris Elba. I need to embrace Idris Elba...wait...

She made sure to mention she won an award for portraying an ex convict and not for her tender mother role in Benjamin Button. She served cookies, majesty and facts!

Absolutely. I think it’s outrageous that she won. It’s almost offensive to me. Not only was Queen Latifah amazing but Kirsten Dunst’s performance in Fargo made me repeatedly say “holy shit Kirsten Dunst can act?”

It’s shameful but ABC sticks to their racist ways and their primarily white audience sits back and yucks it up as the usually ONE black person is kicked off early on, and then off camera they are given their “thank you for adding color to our broadcast” card and ushered away never to be seen (People Magazine) or heard

Not surprised at all that CNN didn’t take her off the desk for the rest of the day just because her brain stopped working for a bit. Otherwise they’d have to fire Don Lemon.


I really don’t see much room for commentary on women’s success here, though, accidental or otherwise. It’s more about how social media and presenting an idealized image of our lives has become so all-consuming.

When are these White males gonna stop raging? They raged against freeing Black people in the 1800’s because it threatened them in some way, they raged against the Italian, Irish and Jewish immigrants in the 19th and 20th century, they raged again against giving any equality to Black people in the 1960’s because (?),

I'd be down for that, but I'd like to see Netflix get it right away and never have to leave the house again.

This is a really short sided plan, I mean how is Jennifer Lopez ever going to find love NOW?

Between high heels, period cramps, and childbirth I think you may be the tougher sex.

“I love the presidental primaries!”

She was a high-paid, super successful radio personality before she had the tv show. People in my part of the country don’t see her success as growing, but rather continuing after many years.

I'd rather her get work on another station where she gets a bigger budget and fewer episodes a season to work with. That aside, I'm pretty glad that a woman (and a poc) is gaining so much clout that they can get so many shows off the ground.

I use Dear Kate.

Damn it Taylor. I was all impressed with your sincere apology to Nicki and now you’re PETTING BLACK PEOPLE?! And JOKING ABOUT IT?!? (Granted it sounds like the petting was before the Nicki thing but still.) Don’t fucking pet people. WTF is wrong with you?!

Sure, but there is certainly tape in place to prevent that. She wasn’t checking the security of the tape or anything she was just fussing over her. Beat it chick.

I am an assistant and Beyonce was right. Get the fuck out of the shot. She wasn’t doing anything necessary, it’s not like her tit was out.

How ‘bout, “Don’t touch me anymore.” or “That’s enough” or “Ay! Lesbiana! GET OFF ME!”