
Yeah, teenage girls are the worst. At least boys punch each other, like civilized pple. I witnessed a group of 6 year olds (!) Doing this whispering giggling shit to one of the other girls. What, do they learn this shit in the womb?? It is the fucking worst.

“Golemaise” perfect condiment for the active crisis actor in your life.

speaking english with your friends, wait until she comes up to join the conversation, look her directly in the eyes and say, “lo siento, no hablo inglais...” with a fake-sad smirk / disapproving eyebrow face, turn back around and blatantly continue your conversation in english. option b: say it in russian: Извините, я

Well I mean if you ARE going to eat the rich, it’s best to cook them first.

Nah, I wanna get hold of the scantron keys so I can cheat on all the tests.


He’s a golem made of mayonnaise.

Burning plastic is really bad for the environment.

You just want to get high off the mimeo fumes.

...fetus ...evidence based science ...climate change

Well, she’s an adult now

She strikes me as a former mean girl so I imagine she’s used to that interaction.

All of these are wrong. The most awful thing that teens do that makes everybody feel like their worst self is whisper and giggle amongst themselves while you’re speaking. And then if given the opportunity to say what they were giggling about they throw shade hard like “oh, we were just talking about your hair” and

What about literally roasting her?

“Did you marry Jared because he has the same lack-of-personality as your dad and is just as evil?”

I, for one, am glad Ivanka went to a school. Maybe she can join those children, who were permitted to stay, and learn the definition of certain words — birthday, relative, albeit, and otherwise.

How about sniggering and murmuring behind her back but as soon as she looks around being dead quiet and looking anywhere but at her?

“Teacher, I think I speak for the entire class when I say I’d rather have a pop quiz than a surprise Ivanka Trump visit. I’ll even go make the copies.”