
Two of my aunts voted for him and I’ll see them today.. I want to pick them up and shake them but I’m guessing my grandfathers funeral isn’t the time for that..

In all fairness, I get it. The electoral college was designed so that the people couldn’t get swayed by some shitty, racist demagogue whose popularity depends on making a lot of promises to a lot of people that sound great but are fundamentally unworkable - instead a group of wise elders would take all that into

“I’m thankful I live in a country that values its independence and democracy and where no party would ever allow a foreign power to influence the will of the people for political gain... wait... shit, can I start over?”

I’d have gone with something like “I’m thankful for my family’s health ... and ObamaCare being in place to take care of it along with millions of other Americans.”

We would have also accepted “I’m thankful for term limits.”

“I’m thankful for Robert Mueller.”

crappy story.....

I’m at the point where I believe absolutely everything that Trump is accused of when there’s even a shred of evidence. He’s a disgusting pig and colossally stupid. He’ll manage to fuck up royally (even more royally than he already has) and blow this whole Russia thing wide open.

Some people told me, some very smart people, told me that the thing on Donald’s head isn’t a weave, but actually a collection of Ivanka’s pubes that he glues to his head because he likes the familiar smell.

AND that’s one of Trump’s FAVORITE lines: “a lot of people are saying it”, but then he complains about the media and “unnamed sources”.

You’re in good company. Stephen Colbert said the same.

If this is the juncture we have reached, then Russia has succeeded in its mission to destabilize the credibility of information flowing through our network by creating so much doubt and mistrust in the sources of all information as to lock up our ability to operate because every source is now tainted and suspicious.

This theory cropped up because one of the accusers works at a firm that hires out sign language interpreters for meetings/events and the Clinton campaign hired one of those people once...

There must be a pony here someplace. I mean, there is so much horseshit here that’s the only positive interpretation I can think of regarding Roy Moore.

There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.

Well, my cousin’s wife in Alabama just told me that the Roy Moore Senatorial Campaign just offered her $1000 to claim that WaPo tried to pay her to accuse him. So there!

Remember facts have a liberal bias that’s why the GOP avoids them at all coasts.

Not surprising, but the comments sections on Breitbart are being flooded with that guy’s tweets. Also popular at the moment are theories that the accusers worked with Hillary’s campaign and are working with Michelle Obama now. This theory cropped up because one of the accusers works at a firm that hires out sign

1000$ is how they show monitary denominations in Russia. $1000 is how we would show it