
That’s not what he said exactly. And explain to me how reaching out to Muslim majority nations to cooperate and coordinate and STEM activities is a bad thing. Or are you just prejudiced?

Got any proof of that?

How do you think old radio shows worked? This has been done since the Advent of audio recordings.

In college I had two blind roommates, so I was often called upon to describe scenes for movies and TV (as well as reading Don Quixote in Spanish). This is fantastic! And I may check out your podcast. I love old movies and this can be another way for me to enjoy them.

“I feel bad for my conservative friends, I really do. There is a lot of nonsense you have to be in lockstep with lest all of your conservative friends will abandon you.” Fixed that for you, you’re welcome!

What is PP doing with these stolen brains?

Exactly. I know someone in this exact situation. Her husband demanded that she never have contact her childhood friend that she never had romantic relationship with. Well, such demands do not hold water forever and eventually they got in contact with each other again. Husband found out. Changed passwords on all her

So much for smaller government.

I think veggie burger was talking about the number of applicants, not the cost.

Thank you. Learned during the Flint water crisis that the RC doesn’t play well with others. We don’t contribute to them anymore.

That is not real. Please tell me the FLOTUS cap is not real. I can’t even