
I agree. I've been watching TAR since S12, and I"ll admit, it's getting a bit tiring. I really hope Survivor lasts for a long while, because I'm finally starting to get all of the twists and social aspects.


Ahh okay. It seems like a pretty evil thing to do, but I guess all bets are off while trying to win $1 miilion!

Next week looks pretty interesting. What with him going through another man's bag and all? Outting Dan could be huge for him, and put the target on Dan. I always forget about how important it is to impress the jury. I wish I would have been watching Survivor much earlier, because the social aspect is fantastic.

Fair enough. I've only been watching Survivor since S27, so I'm a bit of a newbie lol

Each passing episode is, however, making me root more and more for Tyler and Carolyn. The "sitback and watch" approach is growing on me. May not understand what Tyler is doing, but I feel like it's working.

I really want to like Mike and Shirin, but I need to see more of them together. The slaughter of NC is sad though. Makes for good Ponderosa though.

I thought this episode was great. People being people. Most random turns in Survivor history. Dan crying face, Will WTF, Mike and Shirin bonding, and Jenn's sarcasm stood out the most. And then there's Tyler.

The entire cast for this show just feels so right. They are a tight knit group, and I would nominate Cavanaugh for some kind of award. His work on this show has been phenomenal.

This show would be darker if it weren't on network Tv. Imagine this show on FX or Showtime?

Will Forte really has some talent when it comes to situational comedy. I fear that Carol is getting more of a backseat role going forward, which would be a real shame. Schaal does weird comedy so well, that I feel like seeing less of her would take away from the show.

I love this show so much. The problem with it is that people don't understand what it is. It is pure satire. A look at life at it's simplest and most "bare." Did people really expect this to be a serious look at life as the last person on earth?

But that picture is probably my favorite pic/gif of the season so far.

Sorry, SHIRIN. Damn keyboard sometimes lol

I have no idea what Tyler is doing. He doesn't vote out Dan last week because he has no idea what to do going forward? He's just hoping that Carolyn sticks with him to the end.

WILL!! The true star of this episode though, IMO is Shrin. She has swung me to her fan club over the past 4 weeks.

OFF TOPIC; Will there be an iZombie review up on AV Club soon?

Not trolling, but other than the fact he can shrink, what is the difference between Atom and Iron Man?

I think the Atom will fail on his own as a TV show. Not distinctive enough. Why not a Green Lantern series?

I'm thinking that Todd actually used to be a women or something, just to keep up the idea that Phil is in fact the last true man on earth.