Because socialism is an ass system, that destroys civilizations. We can debate social programs all day long, and we should have them, but some of these candidates want to give the government all the power, which is exactly how you enslave people.
Because socialism is an ass system, that destroys civilizations. We can debate social programs all day long, and we should have them, but some of these candidates want to give the government all the power, which is exactly how you enslave people.
Pelosi may be the greatest gift to the Republican party since Liz Warren. They’re both insufferable, and if Warren runs in 2020 she’s going to realize how diverse the country is and how different it is from running in MA.
Yeah, but even Vermont looked at their opposite gubernatorial candidate and was like “..Dude, that’s a man in a wig.” and said no.
There was no blue wave, I’m sure this is disappointing to you. The best way the this can be viewed from the left is that it balanced the scales (like it has for the past 20+ years) on one section of government; except they gave up an assload in the senate just for that - none of the house votes in the past ever ended…
Most of the socialists lost. Republicans gained seats in the Senate, with anti-Trumpers on their way out while Trump supports are on their way in. Sure, the house was lost, but, that is what typically happens. Having Pelosi as the next speaker will most definitely help Trump get reelected in 2020. You have to look…
“We’ve been losing the class war for many decades.”
This is standard Republican behavior. Say one thing, do another. “Read my lips, no new taxes.” - HW Bush. Then what happened? He raised taxes. “Mission Accomplished.” - GW Bush. Then what happened? Iraq War for ten more years until Obama stopped the madness. Lies. Lies. And this has pretty much been modus operandi…
I replied to this already but they deleted me so you didn’t see it.
Today is like Christmas. Genuinely enjoying this.
Jesus Chrtis...
This comment just shows how brainwashed you are by the liberal media. “someone who truly believes they don’t belong in the U.S.” is an outrageous statement. Please explain how wanting people to come to this country through a legal process means that all brown people need to go?
“For example, in Texas a gun permit is an acceptable form of ID, while a student ID is not.”
I’m not the biggest BoSox fan, but 4 since 2004 is pretty fucking impressive.
That’s like the Ottomans still bragging about their Empire.
His name is spelled incorrectly. It’s “Roethlisberger”.
Steve Bannon, a proper face for the alt right. Fat, pock-marked, unkempt, dripping slime from last nights intake of cheap booze and cheaper steaks. His aesthetic fits his worldview perfectly. And yet somehow he owns a share of Seinfeld royalties. Nobody said the world was a fair place, but it’s getting better and the…
We can’t place an investigation as important as this one in the hands of a man credibly accused of rape.
I saw the video that’s why I commented, She knew she screwed up when she said, it you could tell by her body language. But if Trump said that it would be on every channel for 2 weeks. Hypocrisy at its best. I don’t care about Trump just that the other side would blow if he said that. Crawl back in your hole dickneck.