
@Lazzzara: I stuck around to the bitter, bitter end, and did not hear anything like that. And I was kind of pissed. about it.

@thehouseofho: I have two very good friends who would argue that it's more like whoever's playing the Bills plays in New York State, and the Bills just kind of run around haplessly. (But who am I to talk? I'm a Browns fan.)

Is everyone forgetting that, in point of fact, zero teams play in New York?

@avatar003: This has nothing to do with a "universal surveillance state." This has to do with information that just isn't "private." Anything you give out to another person can be given away by that person. Cell-site information is given by you, through your phone, to the phone company. Once its out of your hands,

@avatar003: No, you misunderstand me. Laypeople tend to have no idea what the Constitution actually says. Under the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Fourth Amendment (and for better or worse, the Court is in fact the ultimate arbiter of the Constitution) this decision is very clearly wrong. (And, for that

Laypeople may see this as a "common sense" ruling, but it is so far beyond wrong in terms of the actual law that I am very concerned that this man sits on the (pseudo) federal bench.

I'm sure there are already plenty of links in the comments, but this practice was discussed in some detail in Andrew Zimbalist's book "May the Best Team Win."

@SinisterBill: "If she can't make her philosophy work why should I even try?" Really? Nobody has ever failed in their attempt to implement a good idea? I mean, you're free to reject those ideas on their merits (I guess I would accept some and reject others — I'm no Objectivist), but if you had to reject someone's

@OMG! British Dinosaur!: @SinisterBill: Yeah, I'm not sure what her personal failings (if that's what they are) have to do with the validity of her philosophy.

When I click on that link the second post is the story about the iPhone screen discoloration.

@Ninety-9: Sure, there are plenty of them. The Storm, for example.

I do not fucking understand why these assholes with their sticky accelerators don't shift their damn cars into NEUTRAL before speeding to their deaths. Or why they don't turn the stupid car off. They have two (minimum!) death-preventing tools as their disposal and use neither.

@soggy_cheerio: Amen. I don't think I've ever needed an instruction on how to approach an ATM. Baffling.

@johnrameymedia: So what is the greater good here? Who is being better served by this "broadcasting decision"?

@Regal Beagle: Or, you know, there could be *three* floors. Some houses do have that many.

@Step aside, Son: Also, does anyone else find it odd that he complains that "the list of beautiful black people goes on and on" even though Sosa is not black? #texasrangers

@biswalt: I have no idea what games you are watching. He dropped two in the last game alone.

Since when does the NFL have mandatory slotting for rookie signing bonuses?