
@HockeyMountain: And also to be fair, this woman affirmatively filed a civil lawsuit. That's not the same as being a victim in a criminal case. She's choosing to put her name out there.

Nit-picky: AIDS is a syndrome (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), not a virus. It is caused by a virus, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).

Yeah, I don't see how this is racist either. Can someone please fill me in?

@Lindsay Lohans Left Boob: McCoy and Bradford? Neither player is even the best on his team, let alone in his conference or the nation.

I have to say, I'm a little offended that, just because he's drunk and at a Browns game, you assume he's a racist and metrosexualphobe (OK, fine — homophobe). I watched the videos expecting to see racial slurs and comments about Brady being gay, but there was nothing like that. Just a guy who had a few too many at a

I still maintain that nothing tops Napoleon McCallum. I get a little sick just thinking about it.

What does the "9=8" mean?

In case anyone cares — at 1:55 pm (according to my clock anyway) every single NFL game was at commercial. How is that possible?

Jerome Perry? The Rochester, MN personal injuury lawyer?

How do you hoe a road?

@Kelly Leak: Hear hear. Sometimes it's OK to be serious on here, people.

the Buccaneers were 24-point underdogs to the Steelers in their first season, and lost 42-0. That season, Tampa Bay beat the then-St. Louis Cardinals. They were not the Buzzsaw then.

@Bill Belichicks Videographer: I don't believe that's correct. They just sent a reminder in 2006. I'm pretty sure it was illegal well before that.

@Nye!: Did I just call umpiring "officiating"? Sorry. Sorry, everyone. My bad.

@ArmansCopyOfSwank: Maybe it does catch up to you at some point, but I don't think it did tonight. He really wasn't making bad pitches. The officiating was just ridiculous, which put a few guys on base who shouldn't have been there, and then he gave up 2 legit hits. I don't think that's the fault of the innings.

@ArmansCopyOfSwank: I do think CC hit the wall, but Fausto hasn't looked awful today. He gave up 6 hits, and 4 of them were bullshit. 3 infield singles, and 1 that Lofton should have gotten in left. Only real hits were Drew's.

That's all fine, except for the fact that Boston ranked 18th in HR this year.

Seven runs . . . and I was still sweating Borowski in the bottom half.