
Julio Franco made his major league debut on my birthday.

Re: Brandon Jackson — seems pretty dumb to me, but shouldn't the Packers have scheduled their minicamp for some time that doesn't conflict with the Rookie Premier? Shouldn't someone have seen this coming? I mean it's an idiotic rule, but since it *is* the rule, aren't the Packers to blame?


That's the guy who was OJ Mayo's teammate in high school. So to recap, last year Bill Walker & OJ Mayo = best high school prospects outside of Greg Oden and Mike Conley. This year Bill Walker & OJ Mayo = eating popcorn during the NIT and getting arrested for possession.

I don't want to get all highfalutin' here, but would someone please tell the author of the post linked to that "wherefore" means "why," and not "where"?

Regarding OSU/UM, as a native Ohioan I have always heard it referred to as "The Game." No "big."

More importantly, how will this affect his status for the next World Baseball Classic?

Please tell me that this study isn't our tax dollars at work.

Never heard of using pet names in porn names. Where I grew up our porn names were your soap opera names (which I never heard of either).

Tank "the Snake" Johnson: Will only be exonorated and allowed to play in SB if he succesfully rescues the kidnapped president from the penal colony of manhattan in a covert rescue mission. He has 24 hours.

How is there no mention of John Rocker striking out Will in a promotion for last season's Pros vs. Joes?

OK, I haven't been following this story very closely, but here's what I don't understand. Some kid created a voting bot, right? And gave Rory like an extra hundred thousand votes or something, right? And then this article has the temerity to claim that the NHL isn't "giving the people what they want"? What they're

For what it's worth, one of them had a ticket — only two snuck in.

RaoulDuke, that's very impressive. Where, pray tell, did you receive such fine instruction?

Moonshine Mike — I am pretty sure that Thomas didn't say the things attributed to him about being up by 20 and running up the score. The Denver Post attributes that line to Nate Robinson.

Dear Terrell,

Since this is an "open thread," can I just weigh in on this question — why do we need to be told this is an open thread? Are there any closed threads? Are we not free to comment on any thread we wish? I don't get it.

No mention of the fact that RazorRuddock.com's logo says


Looks like someone's got yesterday's chat roster up. Not sure if I should be making fun of you for the mistake, or if you should be making fun of me for noticing.