
Why does it seem like the Big Ten is on the road for every tough game in this thing? Two unranked Big Ten teams fell by a combined seven points on the road against two ranked ACC teams again last night.

Wolverines, I was with you right up until the end. Ohio State's two turnovers on the snaps can not in any way be fairly attributed to any skill of Michigan. The center would likely not roll the ball back like that again if he snapped it a thousand more times.

Wolverines, I think you have it right on all counts. The PI was bad, the helmet-to-helmet was the right call but not late or out of bounds, and the argument that OSU would necessarily win a rematch isn't very strong. But that said, if a rematch happens I'm taking Ohio State.

If you want to talk about "questionable" calls, what about the "roughing the center" call? Or the pass interference that gave Michigan a first down when their 4th-and-16 attempt failed?

Odds that he died just to motivate the team?

Jim Stricker. I think I went to high school with that guy.

Yes, that is definitely the Jesus statute at the Solid Rock Church in Monroe, Ohio, which is just about halfway between Cinci and Dayton. To me he looks like he is descending into the fires of Hell when they have the fountains and lights on. Pretty wild.

Why isn't this Boise State thing getting more attention? That's wild.

Didn't Wilbon make an appearance in the booth at some point? How did he do? Can he take Kornheiser's place?

I'm confused. Is it Mike Patrick or Paul Maguire that has the farts?

Winslow is on pace for 91 receptions (which would be good for sixth-most ever by a TE) and about 900 yards, in what is essentially his rookie season. If that's what we're calling "not that great" these days then the entire league has gone to shit.

Will, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you have tickets to the potential clincher by virtue of your rainout in game 3? Are you sure you want to go?

Hass — why would Rogers have a blister or callous on the hell of his palm?

Re: OJ Simpson . . . With Leather cites MSNBC, but did any of you notice MSNBC's source? It was the National Enquirer. Are we taking that publication seriously now, or has that been verified elsewhere?

Am I the only one who gets a 404 when trying to go to MyESPN? Maybe it's already gone the way of ESPN Mobile.

As a lifelong Browns fan, I am just happy to have won something. Even if it's completely retarded.

When I was a freshman in high school, we (the freshman football team) got into a bit of a scuffle with another team and a few haymakers were thrown. After the coaches and officials separated the players, one of our coaches (who, for what it's worth, was a center on the 1993 WVU Sugar Bowl team) pulled us aside and

There was a time it was reasonably cute and a collective show of support.

Attacking his pregnant fiancee? Choking his fiance with six-month-old watching? Did this woman live to become Mrs. Lamar Thomas?