
Only I didn't write these episodes, Friedman did. And I'd add that not developing Watson into a strong filled-out character was pretty much the same treatment she gave to Cuddy on 'House'

Just more Liz Friedman garbage as she tries to rewrite her old 'House' scripts. The 'Mystery' (disease) gets sidelined so she can show emotional conflicts with Holmes (House) as he fights his addiction problem and slowly overcomes (or not) his 'cold' 'distant' 'unfeeling side'. Unfortunately for Liz, the entire Holmes

Out of the shows shooting in NYC this winter (Elementary, Blue Bloods, POI) Person Of Interest has made the most of the lousy weather. Making creative use of the snowstorm in the park was a great-looking piece of TV. On Elementary, it was cruel fun watching Holmes and Bell suffering in the 5 degree weather in the last

1) The B Plot (Joan and Bell) was just soggy retread TV melodrama. Seen it a thousand times. No detective work involved. Just kept Joan busy.
2) As soon as the slimy Prince character laid out the divorce/selling the company"Victim was a good guy" story, it was obvious what the methods and the motive were. Solved at :16

More commercials than there are stars in our galaxy.
I liked that this is Brannon Braga's chance to atone for 'Flash Forward', the painful 'Terra Nova' and any number of bad Star Trek episodes.
It's good they had a lengthy portrayal of the "Do it our way or Die" actions and beliefs of organized European Christianity.

Spader needs Shatner to come on board for Season Two.

The show was written by Sarah Goldfinger, former CSI helmer and the writer of the episode you disliked last week.

The writer on this episode was Sarah Goldfinger, who was one of the long-time writer producers of CSI. She was also one of the writers who worked on the cross-written episode with 'Fringe". With any luck, they are building in enough nebulous factors so this series can go off the rails in the same explosive manner that

Here's the REAL problem with this episode: LIZ FRIEDMAN.
She was allowed to re-write one of her half-baked 'House' episodes right down to the 'House Solution Miracle Mystery Moment' at about the :53 mark.
The funny haircut and the silly stubble have turned the guy into House ("you're a jerk, House" etc.).
Is Bell

Liz Friedman. Liz Friedman. I just wanted to emphasize that one of the producers of Elementary is one of the people who used to run House. So when you see Holmes step out of his essential character and actually seem to care that he is 'not a normal guy' and 'Conflicted', please remember that is how Liz Friedman jumped

The one thing I really like about this series is that the mysteries are close to the spirit of the original Conan-Doyle Holmes stories. Developing Watson as a character has real problems, in that the original Watson worked because he was a duller foil to the superhuman Holmes.

So they Were there for a specific reason…which has been discarded. Oh well, that's show biz.

So they Were there for a specific reason…which has been discarded. Oh well, that's show biz.

Filming cost lots of money. The balls were a separate shot and they were there for an explicit reason.

Filming cost lots of money. The balls were a separate shot and they were there for an explicit reason.

As I explained a few weeks ago….They ARE the women.

As I explained a few weeks ago….They ARE the women.

That lamp was still burning in Apt 413 after 20 years? I want that bulb tech!

That lamp was still burning in Apt 413 after 20 years? I want that bulb tech!

Route 80 west and hang a right at Brookville, PA. Bookings still
available at the Cook Forest Black Bear Cabins in Cooksburg, PA.