
This “kids know what’s best for themselves” logic is so foreign to me. I only hear it from parents whose children prefer them to their exes, and people who believe that a childhood with elements of severe, dangerous dysfunction is a universal experience. So they’re either operating as an interested party

I never went, but how many under 21 nightclubs could there have possibly been in Medford in 1998?

oh my god, someone help, I have fallen down a hole of narcissistic teen trends.

She was very close to her family. But it was well known in Corpus Christi her dad was not that supportive of her English pop music transition and resented her husband’s support of her. They have retained a tight control over image to protect it from exploitation. It’s so horrible they can’t agree how to present her

This is totally what I was getting. There are racial undertones here that are really gross, and it has nothing to do with the Tweeter.


How about nobody needs yet another movie about a white woman who is a socialite with a tragic ending?

“I find my penis is hard to penetrate females.”

This is just a personal observation of my person, but I’m a more complex, more awesome, and honestly sexier person now than I was in my 20s. I was cute in my 20s, and determined, but I was also not as self aware, not as complex or interesting, and really, other than youth/cuteness, not that sexy (mostly because I

Keira Knightley was once older than me, but is now younger than me.

ur an ageless queen

56.6% of residents in Flint are black. Of course this isn’t making the news.

famous people also age sometimes