
Plus Kim looks like she’s wearing blackface again. Her skin is the same color as her daughter’s in these photos.

Why are they looking back and to the left in those action shots? Kanye, you in danger, gurl.

Jesus, dude, having GoT hot takes doesn’t make you look cool.



Of all the episodes this season, this was the least dumb. I didn’t have the same reaction as you at all.

Hot take: no one deserves that much money for one show.

Look, this whole thing is really disappointing and Whedon has definitely lost his “goody two shoes” lustre now, but abuse? Is cheating now the same as domestic violence? People seem to be reacting like this is some Cosby/Polanski level transgression when what he really is is a shitty husband.

wow, what a hero -_-

Remember back during WWII, when FDR sent two million American soldiers to Europe and Africa to gently reason with the Nazis and open up a dialogue and they immediately put down their guns and V2 rockets and apologized for their rape of Europe and even created the state of Israel to try and make up for their

I agree that it is morally okay to punch a Nazi. To me that is obvious. The question is does it help actually fight white supremacy? I think that’s the real question.

Counter argument: It’s okay to punch Nazis.

Nor should we forget that in a case of one person’s word over another’s…credibility is paramount.

Uhh, not sure if you’re familiar with the concept of justice here, but a person never needs to prove innocence.

So much for the tolerant cleft

goddamn you white snowflakes whine about everything

Let’s not do that. There are plenty of white supremacist women out there who are out there pumping these dudes up as their supreme Aryan life partners.

So basically you saw a criticism of some white people, and you were so blinded by rage at the very idea that white people were being criticized (and by a white lady no less! race traitor amirite?) that you completely missed the point of the article and instead rushed to pen a wannabe snarky comment that was

Making this tragedy about yourself is offensive. It is NOT significant that most of the protestors are male. Most of the protestors likely have white women at home, backing up all this bullshit just like they did when they were emboldened before:

There are no such thing as allies. No one is fighting for you. Even people just like you, fighting for causes you believe in and will benefit from - they are not for you either.