
Yeah, its the same thing. you just have confirmation bias. happens to the best of us

Insulting? What massive entitlement fans have these days.

Sure, clinton fought for children's rights, after years of fighting for Walmarts. But hey, don't let reality distort a good narrative. However you need to get to sleep at night.

Dude, do you have any idea how many times the “No Justice, No Peace” slogan has been bastardized?

Off the top of my head, “No Justice, No Piece” is a favorite of the sex worker rights movement. Do you wanna freak out on them as well?

And every 4 years, the “middle ground” gets pushed further to the right.

Unless you’re in active military, cut the dramatics. Christ, you people accuse actual liberals of being overly dramatic . . .

Do you have any idea how not compelling this argument is?

Life long PSU fan who actually shook Sandusky’s hand back in 2006.

James Cameron is one of those people who would evolve as a human being with a few more punches to the face.

Amazing the arrogance of bloggers who have no idea how to direct a major studio motion picture was huge actors (with equally huge egos) telling everyone who will listen who it should be done.

Ah yes, the time tested best way to win converts, by insulting them.

The fact you lumped in Matt and Trey with a human fart joke like MacFarlane says everything about your below average sense of humor.

I was, with all seriousness, told that this attitude is “gate keeping” earlier today.


Hot take!

This only makes sense if your definition of “the people” is only registered democrats who voted for HRC.

what about the americans he executed with drones and no trial? Or massive numbers of americans he wire tapped illegally? Or the record number of deportees? Were they not good enough for our President?

You know you’re super secure in your job when you call other adults “children”

Except 80 percent of that student body already knew how to speak english way before college.

So voting Green is “whining”?