
Yes, by allowing the cloud of neoliberalism to destroy the lives of anyone who isn’t American.

People of color didn’t universally love and support Clinton?

Way to play the “i work in the business card, so I’m right”. Great, lots of us work in the business. I had no idea that meant we get to decide which adverbs people use to describe receivers

Democracy is severely broken in this country when you blame the candidate whose values most fit your own for the success of one whose values least fit your own.

I was working as a runner for NBC at the first NBA All Star Game after 9-11 in Philly. I didn’t get to meet him per se, but I did get to stand next to him as Joe Frazier helped him stand up for the National Anthem. I was about5 feet away, nothing but air in between us, and even as a dumb 20 year old I was short of

Best definition I’ve seen yet

You’re one of those folks who wants Bendis to run his Miles Morales scripts past people of color before they go to print, aren’t you?

Whoa, its like you realize that sometimes authors do unpleasant things to characters in order to tell a better story.

Dude, he can find thirty panels that contradict it. Hydra has been continually published for what, like 60 years? There’s no one correct way to interpret it.

Whoa, its almost like you read comics.

Except by any fair transitive property, you’re calling all of us (including us jews) who don’t have any problem with it anti-semites.

So, basically: “im going to ignore the parts of reality that don’t fit my soapbox speech”

What has occurred in your life that you feel confident speaking for two long-dead legends of their medium who probably have feelings way more nuanced than anything that can be conveyed on fucking kinja?

So we have to recite our jewish and/or WWII family cred to have a voice in the argument? Ok, cards down, my jewish grandfather was in the first med team to hit the beach at Normandy and has a silver star. He saw it all first hand and kept incredible documentation so that his children and children’s children could

You’re a very tender soul.

Who the hell are you to speak for Jack Kirby and Joe Simon?

You keep posting that article like its some kind of mic drop. Its one paid fan whose income is tied to page hits. This person has created a controvery over nothing and is laughing at you, and me, all the way to the bank.

And so am I, so maybe you and the blogger can stop speaking for ALL of us. And I read that tripe. That person has a profit motive to be outraged for. You want real jewish outrage? How about being outraged over Israel’s apartheid state and not a fictional fucking story?

If fans knew what “bad” and “good” characterization was, they’d be writing the comics.

And that’s clearly what’s happening, even in issue one of this comic. Clear to anyone who can read subtext.