
Please stop speaking for all jews. Some of us have real things to worry about and feel “anger” over

So this is just he conventional wisdom now? A plot twist = outage?

she voted for an illegal war in iraq that cost hundreds of thousands of completely innocent lives. She treats Palestinians like dog food. She’s voted in favor of making it easier for banks to evict veterans. She’s taken incredible sums of money from corporate america and wall street, she skirts campaign finance laws

And Obama has deported more aliens that ANYONE ELSE EVER and HRC has made it clear she supports deporting unaccompanied minors. So tell me more about how racist it is to support bernie?

Yeah I’m sure Susan Sarandon has no idea what internalized misogyny looks like. Thank god you’re here to help educated one of the most visibly successful and actively progressive women in the country.

But totally cool to dismiss all people of color and women voting for Sanders with a quick “bernie bro brah rah rah”?

How dare she care about people outside of our own borders

So I guess it has nothing to do with too few lines being open during prime travel hours?

As opposed to our totally chill and completely legit empire?

Oh god, I just realized that was him in Into the Badlands. I like that show even more now.

Ever seen Idiocracy? Its not all satire.

I’ve been asking production friends what they thought it cost. Most guessed 5-10 mil. 1.35 would be an absolute steal.

To be fair, the only person who jeopardized his relationship was Nick Young. Unless there is a bigger and far more interesting story about Russell forcing him to cheat.

No, they can’t even maintain basic human rights in their home states. They are a failed party unto themselves.

Cool, so those votes matter only under the circumstances you decide on? Dope, bro!

For liberal voters, her records as both Senator and Sec State are horrific. Literally horrific. Littered with deals for powerful corporations, illegal foreign wars, limiting of free expression both domestic and over seas, a deep support for the apartheid state of Israel, and an upsetting list of donors from Saudi

I’m a registered Dem who is voting for Stein in the general. But I still wanted to make my voice heard and vote for the liberal choice in the primary. I highly doubt I’m all that unique among liberal voters.

If you think the reason HRC lost in 2008's primary was her age or experience, you’re clearly not paying attention to national politics.

I guess Rep. Duckworth should just give up now based on your well reasoned argument

Its zealotry to decide that people who voted for an illegal war shouldn’t be elected to office again a few years later?