
I’ll remember to be more “nuanced” next time we go to pre-emptive, illegal war based on a lie.

I like how Glenn Greenwald is just some “men” and not one of the most relevant progressive journalists working today.

Sounds like two really terrible options. If only we’d all consider voting Green.


Sorry, why does paying to see the funky results of melding two incredibly funny, well made franchises into one concept make me stupid?

Where are you getting 400 million dollar profit from? 250 mil budget, plus global distribution and promotion means its going to need somewhere between 900-1 billion in revenue to show anything close to “profit”

Where did this happen? The only remotely negative things I’ve heard about Mad Max have come from a scattered handful of women who where mostly annoyed about a lack of “backstory”

That’s funny, because I sat in my living room while Powel gave his address to the UN, screaming BS at the television. And I promise you, I’m no where near as smart as HRC.

Comparing the UN backed action in Yugoslavia, where we had extensive evidence of genetic cleansing (read: genocide) to the Iraq War is so laughably dishonest i’d expect Hillary to trot it out at the next debate.

Wow, and you’re talking about civility. Bizzaro world rocks on.

Because your chosen candidate is morally repugnant to many actual liberals who hold actual ideals beyond what MSNBC tells you to think.

Right, because in a democracy there are only ever two choices.

So by your logic, it better to vote for a person who has made it clear that we will continue to war against the world at an even greater rate than the last 8 years?

So you’re saying Alien wasn’t a Ridley Scott movie? 5 minutes of Alien is better than Snyder’s entire career. Calm down. The original cut of Bladerunner that the studio forced Scott to run with was hot garbage. Bladerunner evolved unlike maybe any other movie ever.

Because that’s totally what habitual marijuana users are like.

Sensitive much?

You are his supporter and I assume his former voter. By providing him this cover and parroting the words of his various communications people, you’ve helped allow his continually more centrist governance .

She’s a fucking presidential nominee and you’re talking about programs that might get you a nice feature on the 6pm local news.

Please, show us a single poll taken in the last decade where Hillary Clinton does well with independent voters.

So now we can’t criticize public officials without them being “evil”? Tell me more about your vision for a participatory democracy?