
Yeah, it’s a bit like if Springsteen had opened his first album with “Born to Run.” (They couldn’t have gone on doing it forever, but one of the great things about “Murmur” is the inability to understand 70% of the lyrics! I’m a writer myself - not a songwriter - so I was always very lyric-centric in my younger days.

I personally think Murmur is just about the greatest debut album in rock history (There are others, of course. The Clash, for one, did pretty good as beginners!) Nothing else is remotely like Murmur. You feel like you’re in the middle of somebody’s dream. I’m happy to say I was part of a campus radio station at Auburn

There’s about twenty possible songs they could have played besides Losing My Religion if you’re actually an R.E.M. fan.

They’ve been developing it.

I think, before that ad, she had finally been to the doctor who adds cheek fillers.

Where does not understanding it and never mentioning it fall?

My dear friend plays the woman the Villagers attempt to hang as a witch in the prologue of the movie.

Oh, without doubt. I don’t worship at Herzog’s feet, but I watch movies going back to the silent era, and there are tons of Herzog films that you can’t even find! If they know anything at all, it’s probably (the brilliant, and very worth seeing) “Aguirre, the Wrath of God.” But if you stopped one-hundred random people

Given the amount of overheated energy on display, the movie would be more accurately titled, “12 Acting Men.”

Yeah, there’s that, too.

Herzog’s public persona tipped over into self-parody about ten years ago. He’s practically William Shatner at this point.

Well, it helps if the movie doesn’t suck.

Yeah, the endings make them totally unbelievable. (This reminds me of when my son was about ten years-old and complained that there’s no one behind the steering wheels in “Cars,” as if a bunch of cars that have their own society, can talk, and go on dates with one another isn’t a big enough blow to realism.)

At least he isn’t taking shots at Bud Light cans.

I dislike her so much, it actually bugs me that I think she remains really hot.

It’s like Frank Sinatra and Burt Reynolds in “Cannonball Run II!”

I like both of these guys, but I don’t know if I could handle two solid hours of THAT much handsome winkety-wink-wink.

It seems like a student film. My jaw pretty much dropped while I watched it. If people want to congratulate him for making a “personal” picture outside of the Hollywood system...okay. But it’s possible to make a good personal picture outside of the Hollywood system, too! As much as I want to be compelled to watch it

Right before The Godfather Part III.

Yeah, they’re pretty damn weak. Actually, Twixt sucks. I’m glad he reclaimed his passion, though. That’s what really matters.