NYC Mental Health Outreach

The danger of calling America the greatest country that ever existed is people start to believe it. It’s those that see the bullshit and set out to make it what they were told it was that scares the likes of the GOP and their donors.

ding ding ding

The people are moving left, the politicians are reluctantly following as usual. Hence the arrival of the “Trump Democrat” people who give lip service to fighting Trump, but have zero spin to do anything about him or his policies.

Add to that the fact that he will get none of the support from Gillibrand, Booker, Castro, Klobuchar, Hickenlooper, deBlasio, etc.,

What’s really stupid is the way people view ‘anti-war’ as ‘anti-troops’ .. In the sense that, because you’re against the war, you don’t think our troops are worth support, and/or are being unpatriotic. In reality, I’m opposed to War overall, but I acknowledge it can be necessary at times. And, I also fully acknowledge

Four buildings were evacuated immediately? That’s weird. It doesn’t seem like Facebook at all. With Facebook, I’d expect them to show the envelope to hundreds of their friends, finally contact the authorities, and then several days later issue a statement about how they did everything they could and they’ll do better

And you’ll want to skip the natural bodies of water too. They’re full of flesh-eating bacteria, amoebic meningitis, dangerous algal blooms, and sharks. So really, no water at all is safe.

Don’t miss this illuminating piece of reporting from The Guardian today, wherein the class of wealthy tech workers who’ve drastically transformed San Francisco bemoan becoming its victims. Among them: a woman saying “we all suffer” after a homeless man made her fall off her scooter. Abject hell.

A whole lot of people are in that position, which is good. Things are changing quickly. A wise man once said that there are decades where nothing happens and years where decades happen. I’ve thought about that a lot in the past three or four years.

You know what, I think I’ll just pass on hanging out in a giant tub of germy urine and feces-addled hyper-chlorinated chemical water this summer. 

Sadly, we backed out of that agreement under Bush II, I believe. No visits to the Hague for any of them.

Without spot inspections mandated (Pelosi and Schumer drop the ball, again) things could get a whole lot worse. The inspections have to include the ability to take photographs. Otherwise, it’a just the Trumpsters’ word against the Congresscritters’. Which is, I’m sure, why they do it.

Considering the democrats have literally done jack shit about anything, they’re completely emboldened and have no fear.  At this point I feel like Pelosi is complicit with everything that’s happening.

I consider Bernie, etc to be “left,” albeit the right wing of the left, and I think “progressive” is a good catch-all for that persuasion. Bernie himself is a social democrat, but I’m not sure they all are. They do form a coherent faction within the Democratic Party, but they do not hold power in the party. Yes,

That is some dark, plausible shit.

Abolish ICE and CBP

Remember when Democrats helped Republicans abolish ACORN over a doctored video? With zero debate? Good times.

I guess the question of the day is “How bold have they become, and how much power do they think they have, and what do they think they can get away with?”

Interesting point. To be fair, there are certainly Bernie people who are still dialed to 11 and can’t get over 2016.