NYC Mental Health Outreach

Not really interested in getting in the middle of whatever feud you have going on.

I didn’t really get that either.

Could you possibly perform this comment in some kind of interpretative dance?

“I hope, as a Christian, as a person who wants to make this country great again—in his own words—that he would take that to the street level, because this was happening on his watch, too,” Garcetti told the Times. “I’m not pointing fingers saying that he totally caused this.”

Red, I have a sense that America is split cleanly, with no clear majority.

Yes, and most of them did it nicely.

One time I almost set a Jezebel political thread on fire merely by copying and pasting two centrist commenters thoughts and writing them all out into a post.

Many readers converge here for many different reasons.

Yes, I understand that America is chock full of violent people who want to kill one another.

It is a monumental dilemma and I have a terrible sense of foreboding.

I am treading carefully with my use of the word liberation.

I am treading carefully with my use of the word liberation.

I literally just posted the text on that link on my last comment.

They are concentration camps. And we, America the Beautiful, are running them.

(I prefer to use the concentration camp term because it really underscores what this is to white people... but the term ‘internment camp’ is equally valid for anyone of Japanese descent and invokes no less outrage and horror.), the literal truth of both is not only horrific and terrifying but also something the US is

Thank you, this is honest. I mean this sincerely.

Don’t you want to be a part of history?

If the GOP doesn’t stop him here or at least check him, they are complicit in our slide to whatever this becomes.

You need to grow up.

No European country is going to rescue us as we possess the most effective killing machine military on the planet and have an unbalanced leader behind the wheel.