NYC Mental Health Outreach

I want to keep it real with you. So some of what you say is correct, and some of it is spun to create a narrative that you are just regurgitating.

Thank you. Spot on.

It’s just taking a lot of effort not to shut down when I realize I’m talking to someone wearing an aluminum hat and explaining how every muslim is trying to establish Sharia law in America.

Okay, thanks.

Sanders really, really needs to endorse Warren at some point in early 2020, he has a high floor of 10-15 percent but he also seems to have a ceiling on support that Warren doesn’t share— if both run in the mid-teens then there’s no real lane for a progressive candidate to grab the nomination.

Yeah, I read that.

Things are changing. We don’t have a lot of time.

Is it a joke because the U.S. clowns it?

Read the articles, and then paraphrase the points repeatedly in your comments.

Not exactly a shocker, is it?


Markets will solve this problem. (subtext: We can make money on these camps.)

Hey buddy. Read all my posts today.

Oh yes. And now can we dig a little deeper under that rock?

redacted: double post

Whoops. Careful now.

Proving that brown people can be just as evil as white people.

Accurate. And these are low functioning sociopaths.

We (the US) are not well. We really are not well at all. And we need to stop taking out our sickness and dehumanizing deficiencies out on people.