NYC Mental Health Outreach

In this world view of yours, is Jill Stein also a right wing chud?

I could not agree more, and I do not approve of much of Tucker Carlson’s rhetoric over his career.

Is Tomato code for anybody who dares to deviate from the center right alleged left code of conduct?

Once again, much like scottmill, you illustrate that you cannot engage on substance, and thus use some kind of ad hominem attack on the person that confronts your hypocrisy.

All the points that you made are excellent, up until you went full “Breitbart” pitchfork the inconvenient truth teller.

I am not tomato, scottmill.

Red Violet is discussing that the “left” is a misnomer down in the comments.

You think I’m a right wing chud because I don’t want war?

Yes, agreed.

Seems like most of the commenters here are in this “center-right” alleged left category.

Well, she is running as a Democrat.

Nice. :)

Props for being fully honest with your handle.

That’s quite a leap you just made as to my intentions.

He meant to go with “cute”.

Again. Reducing the issue to one of appearance.

Congratulations. You found a way to make it about a woman’s appearance.

Any thoughts as a woman that we should stick to ideas, actions, qualifications and so forth; and that it is offensive and sexist to critique appearance.

We are a deeply unserious country.