
I was in emotional and mentally abusive relationship for five years that turned physical toward the end. Finally got the strength to call the cops when he hit me. Despite the police reports, court dates, and conviction, his friends still defend him and I'm a lying bitch. Abusers and their friends have a sick way of

You could, if you wanted these terrible oversized, plasticky, too-white veneers. I think they look awful. She must’ve gone to Jessica Biel’s dentist. Or the one who did Hilary Duff’s terrible first set. Possibly both, if that’s the same person, which it could be - they certainly made all the same mistakes.

This reminds me of Jr. High (fucking miserable) where I was teased relentlessly about being fat. I dropped a ton of weight and then I was ridiculed for my clothes. You can’t fucking win, man.

There is a fun part of dating?

Do you have ten grand to spend on a house?

I wonder if I could afford luxury real estate in Oklahoma.

Get a pug. They grunt and snort the same and are about as round.

yeah, don’t force other people to participate in your kink

“Even when I worked in PC World I would sometimes walk up to people and nip at their shirt. I got in trouble once; someone walked into the PC repair centre and I had part of their dad’s computer in my mouth. But the other staff knew I was like that to everyone. They didn’t find it weird.”

Eww, is that really what his thumb looks like?

Books? We’re talking about books? You do realize who Trump voters are right?

To be brutally honest, I’d quite possibly freak out if I was in that situation, however I’d be freaking out at the Stub Hub customer service, not the ticket taker.

“Do you know who I am?” Sacca thundered repeatedly, according to an eyewitness, a Broadway theater worker who requested anonymity.

Always useful when a predator reveals his criteria for potential victims (women with “lifestyles,” meaning they’re black or poor). He’s too much of an ignorant, spoiled little shit to see how obvious his guilt is to everyone else.

“I sold my friend the drugs she used to overdose, and I went to prison, but I learned *sooo* much about myself in the process ❤️”

Holy shit yes. I hadn’t been by the site in about three or four years, and a couple weeks ago I found myself there and was just appalled. It’s all horrific click-bait headlines from awful people telling awful stories about awful things.

“judgmental, self-absorbed, and unreflective,” should be xoJane’s tagline.

“Our P&L statements will improve because now we, instead of Visa/MC, can capture our customers’ interest payments.”

I can’t imagine wanting a shitty $15 shirt so badly that I’d put it on a credit card.

The interest you pay on that shit will be around long after the clothes have dissolved in the washing machine.