Yeah. I think Aisha Harris was right and they just need to kill off Lucius. Remember when the show first began and he was supposed to be dying anyway?
Yeah. I think Aisha Harris was right and they just need to kill off Lucius. Remember when the show first began and he was supposed to be dying anyway?
We age super well. There’s that. Oh, and we’re like, naturally cool and creative, as evidenced by most of American culture being based off of stuff we make up. Every type of American music style, for instance.
Is anything EASIER for us because we’re black? Besides getting arrested?
This is kind of disappointing. I thought Zefron* was going to be saying he used to Google himself to find out what he did the night before. Doesn’t anybody party like they’re in Spinal Tap anymore?!?
Trump: The thing that gets me are the retweets.
Susan Sarandon isn’t without problems, but damn if I’m not here for this.
Seriously. Good for her.
All-time favorite movies: