
In his final kind gesture, he will grant the wish of Kevin Garnett, and have his suit cremated as well.

Incredibly sad news. His return talking to Pop was one of the most heartwarming NBA moments ever.

19. Amp Lee. All little fast NFL guys should have names related to units of energy.

I paid for that seat. I will do everything from reclining it to dry humping it for as long as my ass is in it.

I flew 20 segments this yea. There is nothing wrong with reclining because the seats do not actually recline. As long as you’re not popping back and forth every 2 seconds disturbing my tray table, recline away friends.

I completely disagree. FIGHT ME.

Shake Shack is overrated.

Does that make Pence the fries?

since he cant sell burgers at his restaurant and can’t sell his steaks at sharper image, he has to take his beef to twitter.

We should all celebrate this golden age of unlimited prosperity from TV contracts by taking in the ESPN Friday Night Doubleheader, which opens with the Lakers/76ers and closes with the Jazz/Mavericks. THE BATTLE FOR THE 14th SEED RAGES ON.

If you use ‘sensitive snowflake’ in a sentence without satire, odds are pretty good you’re a douche. Never mind the irony that he’s so super-sensitive about not getting what he wants that he has to take to Twitter to vent about it.

Wow, these guys are being pretty sensitive about not being allowed to dress up their teammates as women any more. What a bunch of girls...

That’s just Draymond’s knee-jerk reaction, though.

Went back to read the comments on the original story. Maybe we should just hold off on publicly shaming everyone accused of a crime until all the facts are in. Just a thought. And kudos to Deadspin for posting a follow up. A lot of media outlets probably aren’t going to bother.

So THAT’S why he was smiling in his mug shot...

I’m really confused about what this is doing on Kotaku.

Seconding the Margo Price recommendation. She’s rad.

I’m not a country music fan but LOVE Kacey and also Maren Morris.