its one of the cleanest engines i’ve ever seen lol
its one of the cleanest engines i’ve ever seen lol
nice find man! black looks handsome on that car.
oh and yes I know Bloomberg was technically a republican first term, but in practice (and now by party) is a dem.
He won because the alternative was a republican, other than staten island the rest of NYC is very blue. Not that we haven’t had republican mayors just the trend the past 20ish years after Guliani.
As a NYC resident (and #covidcar owner)no one and I mean no one likes him, its one bad policy after another. Can’t wait for 2022.
Yeah I saw that as well, maybe there were VW’s behind that sign?
Reverse I too hope they never return, bought my first car in almost 18 years because of the pandemic and have enjoyed semi easy street parking.
yeah I bit the bullet on the rear seat cover for my Veloster after my dog pucked on the seats lol
we had a 80's 300TD I remember it having a system priming hand pump, I guess Mercedes knew what to do?
now I can't get the blues Brothers theme out of my head lol
Holy moly I didn’t realize these have appreciated so much! My dad has a 88 convertible, I should tell him lol
Having my first car in 18 years, I’ve found youtube and the forums very helpful. Never thought to check out FB Groups, might have to do that, I otherwise stay away from FB lol
This sounds much better, this GB/GB thing doesn’t work lol
Fiero anyone? lol
That was my thought. maybe they used some of the parts.
Haha exactly, I have OCD when it comes to badges, I feel compelled to clear them as soon as they come in lol
I drove one of these from Syracuse to NYC in 2001 (I didn’t want to have my brand new 2001 Pathfinder in the city lol). Almost this exact configuration, stick, red interior.
I’ve been saying for years Pontiac being the performance division would be excellent at ev’s!!
Just bought my first car in 17 years! Need a way to escape Manhattan lol
I agree, and somehow the ground effects package didn’t seem over the top like later 90's and 00's Pontiacs. Seemed to fit the car well. Im sure it was a turd, but a nice looking one for the day!