
Second this! I owned a 2001 5speed, wonderful vehicle!

Third! for awhile now I thought this would be a great idea!

Woof :-)

The article mentions a safety cell.

Did you make it back from MOAB? Inquiring minds!

Nope! With the extra lighs and the color it’s kind of handsome!

Saw it at the New York auto show.. totally agree!

Man I loved these when new, the second generation looks a bit sleeker IMO. A few have pointed out that there is a mandatory 60k maintenance this is 2x that, so hopefully this has been done.

Boy, what a pretty color on this!  I’d love to drive this car, but as others said its an older VAG product, good luck with that, CP!

PT Cruiser was Chrysler!

My mom’s had nothing but trouble with her 2003 MDX. AT failed at 110k miles. It’s sitting in her driveway now, she’s driving her 91 Camry wagon instead lol.

Cute Pups, bark!

Is that what Jag dash’s look like now? where’s all the wood? I mean I do like it. it looks nicer than most, clean.

Is it bad my first thought was Mitsubishi? Lol

Go David go!!

I really don’t hate it! And a 6 speed.. hmmm if I were in the market I might consider it. Although if I were truly in the market I’d buy a GTI lol.

He’s mentioned a few times that this will likely be the last year he does this, but I’ll believe it when I see it! lol

Not enough stars!! Made my night 😈

David, keep it up we believe in you!  Glad its running decent, GL on the trip!

I don’t hate it, but it’s kind of got a telsa model 3 vibe in the headlights.