
Counterpoint.  Emergency services shouldn't have to pay jack shit to telecoms.  They should be forced to provide service for free as basic common decency suggests. 

Ever think that maybe the departments cannot afford the ridiculous prices for true “Unlimited” plans with no throttling? I mean its not just 1 phone line we are talking here. Have to think from a budget standpoint.... Do we need Unlimited data at the cost of $100,000 a year for X amount of people and devices that we

They’re all good choices, but I’m getting more of a Blake Lively vibe for the woman.

Most likely, Aaron is being groomed to take on some of comic-Rick’s storylines, which is probably why last night happened to him. In much the same way that Henry appears to be inheriting some of Carl’s storylines.

Yup. Definitely stalling because the free money’s gone. Someone’s going to be looking at some unpleasant asset forfeiture...

Unless it was always a plan to scam money.

They are stalling, because odds are they spent a lot of that money for their own personal needs.

CGI in a DC movie? Of course it will be awful.

Success breeds contempt. Envy, jealousy and whatnot.

Those who are complaining are usually the ones sitting on their lazy asses doing nothing to help the situation.

FUCK YES! THANK YOU! I’m so sick of “thoughts and prayers” type I could puke. Get off your ass and at least TRY to help or STFU and don’t chastise the ones at least making an effort. He didn’t have to do shit but yet he spent I’m sure thousands of dollars to build, nd transport something he thought could help. KUDOS

What’s with giving Musk crap every time he tries to do something to help? Yeah, sometimes his contributions are minimal, but at least the man is actively trying to do something! There’s always complains that during tragedies, those with power to make a difference only offer their useless “thoughts and prayers,” Yet

I’ve been wondering how Disney was going to pull off believable superheroes at the upcoming Marvel Land.  Looks like they’ve got their solution.

How the Military Industrial Complex and Congress really loves cost-plus contracting? And how effin’ successful NASA’s commercial cargo and commercial crew fixed-cost projects have been with SpaceX. You know you got them when they have to spitball ineffective advertisement just to justify their existence. Consider

How is it random? Eddie is a reporter, he reports on a sketchy science business, an employee there tracks him down confirming shady shit is going down, he goes in, gets infected, and the company tries to kill him while he wrestles for control over the symbiote’s bloodlust. This is as straightforward as it gets.

“You sure you’re not from the DC universe?”

I want to see Jason Statham as Batman.

If anything, they’ve just enabled and empowered sex traffickers more than ever. In the long run, John’s and prostitutes alike will need to find pimps to arrange their hookups now instead of dealing directly with each other, which gives more power to sex traffickers, not less. They’re now gate keepers.

Now playing

This is the deal with how the N word works: