Well, I’m glad you’re being honest with us. Thank you.
Wow, owned.
Yes, because its the internet and people get to share their opinions and thoughts openly. Don’t get all weird on us, Martin.
Are we even playing with actual LEGO’s anymore? Growing up, LEGO used to be about making stuff look KINDA sorta like what it should/could be, using that thing we once called the Imagination - now they just design a specially designed piece for whatever exact thing the designers at LEGO need, add a few notches to it…
Um, fuck this piece of shit?
Okay this is cool AF. I legit didn’t know this was a thing, thank you for that.
They like don’t even try anymore - but I don’t blame them because the franchise is such a monster.
Zebra print is so hot right now.
How high are you?
Prob - but I have a hard time believing Mickey Mouse isn’t beating people with a stick over at EA for their performance.
This is already infinitely better than anything EA did with the Star Wars License they once had.
See kids, this is what happens when you’re addicted to video games like PUBG.
The team just needs to produce more content a LITTLE bit quicker. They sort of developed a god complex, claiming BR is their own invented genre with that ridiculous tweet or w/e it was, calling out Fortnite, while Epic Games is whistling away making new content as fast as they possibly can resulting in positive…
I use a secret labs omega on stream and have never been so happy over a chair that not only feels amazing, but isn’t embarrassing to look at, AT ALL.
My girlfriend.
College was fun.
Please, sound more like a Strip Club DJ in the intro monologue, it’s awesome.