
I get it, it is a dream of many but I think it really comes down to the physics of it all. We just don’t have the ability to move something so massive in a way that our imaginations would like it to be. We’re just not “there yet” as a species and technologically - maybe in the future but right now seeing stuff like

I’m not even gonna read this, I’m just gonna assume 10/10.

Dope - plz don’t do that “usa vs japan” mech “battle” again... let’s just forget that even happened.

Matchmaking? Wait, this game is competitive? That term is generally used when there’s a match (a competitive event) to be had like Overwatch or League Matchmaking. I’m strangely confused and intrigued. 

I never really thought about it like that before. That really alters my perception on this then.

Wait, the Uganda Knuckles thing is racist? How? I stream VRChat reguarly and I have yet to find any racism from them... it’s usually other people who get pissed at them who turn racist.

As a Twitch Partner myself, the thought of Facebook Live Gaming is actually pretty neat, considering nearly everyone on the planet has their own Facebook account and it’s implemented in nearly every smart device one way or another.

I guess you could say... the cards were in his favor.

Wow I used to sink so many hours into this mod back in the days of HL1

This made me laugh so fucking hard, and i’m not sure why.

Um... didn’t you or someone else on here write something almost identical about a child putting something inside your Playstation was it?

You need to google CS:GO Survival Leak.

You must be new.

Nah. Grumpy Cat chickens w/ big round classic Disney eyes designed to extract money from parents wallets, seems to make more sense to me.

Men and Women make mistakes.

It’s insane how certain you are with your words.

I appreciate you breaking that down for me, makes sense.


Ah damn, you’re the stick figure.

I think it’s pretty evident what we have here is a Valve Casino where people dump tons of money on fucking .jpg’s wrapped around polygons and get addicted to the dopamine of having something new, with the chance of rarity among your community/circle of friends.

It’s pretty brilliant from a marketing perspective, but