Roms tho?
Roms tho?
This is dope for those friends in your squad who MUST cut down all the trees when playing with you in Battle Royale mode.
There’s another gaming phone on the horizon. *long drawn out sigh*
Explain :)
The real question is, did that old chair make any sounds when used because it was so old?
lol I have actually noticed that, or people who generally hate any type of change so they immediately lash out instead of being curious to learn something new.
Sick name man, you’re that creative meme-type arent ya?
btw I graduated college with a bachelors and didn’t grab a masters because I have no interest in teaching.
It’s insane to think about - I myself never bought into it, but i’m not bitter about it because there are others being made that I’m able to play ball with - I love the concept and idea behind crypto-currency.
Ding ding ding!
I forgot about this one - and it’s actually crazy, also there are some car manufacturers that are accepting Bitcoin now too.
That article made me laugh pretty hard, it came off like some type of Highschool senior thesis paper, there was such anger throughout the entire piece, and also very short-sighted. I even commented and asked if Gawker brought over some The Onion writers to pepper in some stories on Kotaku.
Sounds to me you’re a white belt troll, GL tho.
Not sure how someone like him gets a position as a writer under Gawker Media, it’s unfortunate really because people who don’t dive into articles or do their own research might be put off the idea of crypto-currency which is disingenuous and all rooted out of (i’m speculating here) personal grief for not playing the…
Exactly. Not sure why it’s so hard to break down the illusion of the all mighty dollar.
It’s akin to someone pricing some abstract art with paint vomited on the canvas with a price tag of 20 million, it all generally boils down some type of perceived value of something with society.
Oh so Microsoft and Newegg accept WoW gold? Cool that’s news to me, care to link me to an article? I’ve been eyeing a Surface Pro Studio.
You do realize people cash in on their bitcoin and get whatever currency they use in their country in return right? Is that fake money?
Weird how companies like Newegg and Microsoft accept this alleged “fake money” (Google it) - if it were fake as you claim it is, I don’t think those 2 companies alone would bother…
I love hearing the announcer’s distaste in his voice like he’s got beef with Larva or something.
This song (Vaporwave/Trap remix) came to mind instantly when I heard the genuine PS2 theme for the first time in a long time > Internet User x GOLD SMG - PlayStation 2
Is Bebop sick?
Well... to be fair, there are some business-savvy females on twitch who do utilize their looks for the benefit of the almighty dollar. But just like everything in the universe, there’s an opposite side to the coin where there’s females who don’t utilize their looks for the benefit of the almighty dollar, enjoy gaming,…