
But like... is there Battle Royale and Zombies?

I’m just bitter I never got my Dragonite.

There’s a difference between playing it, and just forgetting about the app/game installed on your phone already, which tends to be what happens with most smartphone users :P

I couldn’t agree any more lol.

PC Demo yet using a Controller to play... alrighty then.

Good point... I’m sort of worried about the vehicles being something you activate in the menu again, rather than running up to one on a large map, scream GTFO! YOU SUCK AT DRIVING to your nearest fellow “team mate” droid and proceed to get 1 shot by some type of plasma rocket launcher-type thing from 17 miles away.

Although beautiful as can be, the lack of customization was a big reason why I refunded the first Battlefront - I got incredibly bored and felt as if everyone was the same vanilla rebel or storm trooper blasting each other in the face... not to mention the card system felt very phoned in.

This is absolutely brilliant. Kinda like Wii U Mario Kart and their little plastic steering wheel icon to let people know what’s up.

Tekken 7 which I’m horrible at, but quickly falling in love with everything it has to offer the more I learn.

I truthfully cannot unsee this - also great tips. The 1500 follower part is fairly interesting too, I’m gonna poke a few friends who are past that mark and see if they noticed a shift/change.

>Looks at my Launch-Day Collectors Edition Box
>Notices “Visual Source Book”
>Looks back at this blog post with jealous eyes
*Angry Fist to the Skies* WHY?! WHHHYYY COULDN’T THIS COME WITH OUR COLLECTORS EDITION BACK WHEN?! WHYyYyYyyy....y...*cough*...yyy.

Ugh this looks like such a dope art book!

Is it remotely safe to assume that more Pokémon news is being saved for E3?

Part of me is okay with this, because I’m a grown adult with a job.

Take that PS Vita owners!

What engine are these types of games made in?

Yes. Nintendo Switch with Ladder/Ranking.

Hey Capcom.

Women teams are notorious for breaking up after roughly 3 losses in major tournaments. Will they break the curse that’s been plaguing the CS scene since 1.5? STAY TUNED!

Why haven’t we taken the controller game to the next level and automatically include additional buttons on the back akin to the SCUF controllers?

They undoubtedly add a true competitive edge and I feel the ENTIRE GAMING COMMUNITY deserves this, not just “elite” purchases.

*cough* Nintendo Switch *cough*

Oh hey neat games, prob gonna get it for PC.