
You can’t play smash with a fight stick tho :thinking:

When we have to pay for the online ability for the Switch, how about GET RID OF MOTHER FUCKING FRIEND CODES?! WE’RE GIVING YOU MONEY, A MONTH TO MAINTAIN SERVICE, UPDATE TO 2017.

Until you leave duel modes and enter Dom or Elim.

Their logo is as clutch as the Atlanta Falcons during the super bowl

Played hundreds of hours of this game during college... I can’t imagine all the sniper shots and heavy work I done was with a handicap. That’s pretty cool they fixed it lol.

...or just fix the pixel aimbot problem that is tied to that training wheel of a feature we call a red outline/health bar/username.

If only these were sugar free... *rubs hands together all evil-like*

If only these were sugar free... *rubs hands together all evil-like*

Relax and Overwatch doesn’t belong in the same sentence.

Madden Champion.


Did you just wake up and join the internet on a gaming blog?

God they really want people to hate Russia.

Aimbot. Wallhack. Speed Hack.

Next question?

Whoa there.

You really think when this game was originally Titan MMO, a 7 year long project which was flipped into Overwatch, their main focus of this “tracer” character was for her to be a lesbian?


Next up, Junkrat and Roadhog!

MSI stealing something?! WHAT?! UNHEARD OF! LOL.

>Happy AF

You’ve never received anything worth over 1 USD in your life.

A game that hyped us all on exploration within an infinitely massive universe is now doing an about face with bunkering down on 1 planet and surviving like some type of minecraft spinoff.