

I would drown 17 babies for this.

K... well GL in Gosu Gamer tournaments or Alienware events lmao.

Jesus’s Christ that’s a large ring.

Ever since the UFC was sold off, it’s been nothing but theatrics which to a long time fan of the franchise, is very unsettling.

Drama 101.

I used to use a XIM, same idea as this.

This is weird. Like really weird.

This is the exact reason why these games are f’ing awesome.

Streaming more Ranked Overwatch via-Solo Queue because I hate myself.

Reminds me of a Teen Titan version of Mega Man.


I approve this story.

Omfg don’t say that so loud. They’ll hear you!

Some humans just don’t care about picture fidelity. Some just enjoy the scale of things such as the screen itself.

How... Explosive.

That’d be sweet.

One could only dream!

Nothing says eSports like high fructose corn syrup.

And a lot of Hillary supporters are still trying to figure out how to use the internet