
So mad.

I noticed your game stutters like little moments of slowing down then going - I have the same issue, and i’m running a GTX 1080. Was wondering if you ever learned a solution for this issue yet, or possibly think it might just be patched down the road by Microsoft?

Shouldn't they finish like oh i dunno, a SINGLE final fantasy game before announcing new shit?

Something about this is cool but on the other hand, very cringe.

My computer when plugged into USB automagically saw my PS4 controller. And I was on Windows 8.1 at the time - did something change?

Welcome to ASUS.

Calling it - horrible PC port.

I bet they’ll have so many for sale just like Pokemon GO!

They also revamped the entire pvp system/mechanic nd stripped stats down quite significantly so it’s a LOT easier to understand from a competitive aspect.

McCree technically got a large buff on a higher level of play style :P (aka left click-a-roony)

That slow moving style of gameplay to showcase it makes me sad. No one plays like that, unless you’re grandma lol

This is what happens whe Nintendo makes 1.9 million dollars a day on Pokemon GO. We get cool stuff like this.

Real talk... why doesn’t gangs like Crips and Bloods team up and just dunk on these fucking idiots? GG WP

Does this have anything to do with Multiplayer?

This is legit what the NX is going to bring to the table. I can see it already, and my mouth is watering.

It’s more so that it’s entertaining to see how ridiculous the rips are, rather than bringing awareness to the public that china rips stuffs off lol

I dont know why, but this makes me sick to my stomach. Seriously.

Sagat... :( plz?

There’s an alien somewhere looking at this guy going “AWWW look how adorable that is! Pretending to fly with LED’s!”

>Came in for learning something new