
“It pleases me for the simple fact that it means the way I wear my hair stops becoming alien, a thing to be frowned upon. It becomes a mainstream pursuit enjoyed by anyone who wants to and one less thing that makes me so ‘different’ to someone who would discriminate against me for that simple fact. The more of all of

This was a really interesting comment :) I think you touched on something important: food and language is often freely shared between cultures and I would argue dinner tables and conversations across the world have been made richer for it. It seems a shame we struggle to achieve this was clothes/hairstyles etc.

I agree

Shhh... this is the site that gets up set when Harajuku, a Japanese sub-culture that is pure western cultural appropriation, is appropriated by westerners.

I think you’re reading a bit too much into my comment. I’m saying Kara is in the right to question this woman’s appropriative tactics. She didn’t say she is the final arbiter on all things African or even Woman of Color. I’m not saying a white person can’t discuss culture. I am saying we shouldn’t take a practice of a

Yes I find it offensive as a foreigner. It’s incredibly irritating and this is a constant point of irritation about Black Americans for many Nigerians and other Africans.

“Stay in your lane” is contrary to the advice I see in lots of Black criticism of mainstream media. I’m more used to seeing “Please use your platform to amplify Black creators” and “don’t assume all your readers are your demographic.” If a makeup blogger for a major site like Popsugar only covered makeup styles for

I get you. I feel this way about Latinos born and raised in America sometimes. A lot of them borrow what they want from wherever they want without being sincere or authentic, or understanding where things come from. You have Salvadorians in America cooking shitty “Mexican food”, for instance. And it’s all cooked wrong

Nope. Even the examples you’re using are products of huge western generalizations, too. When people say “asian culture” what they usually mean is “east asian culture” and I assume they’re thinking broadly about chopsticks and silk brocade and dragon festivals or whatever. But what, culturally, does someone in Japan

There is no universal European culture.

American cultural appropriation again? I get the idea of learning the history and your roots, but respecting other cultures is something that should encompass all of us, White, African American or else. That being said, I don’t think cultural appropriation is something inherently bad, as it is that how ideas and

I don’t understand the attitude in this article, so from now on anything at all to do with black people can only be written about by a black person? Does this go for other minorities too? So from now on as a muslim myself only muslims are allowed to speak about Islam and nobody else should get hennah tattoos or wear

but I do wish that a black woman had the chance to cover this subject because she might have offered something a bit deeper than: Oh shit, this looks cool!

Okay so a girl did a makeup tutorial on African makeup that she learned from other African women and decided to make tutorial mashup of all she learned. Plenty of black women “have the chance” to make this tutorial but no one did. No one told them they couldnt. This girl probably thought “hey I haven’t seen a Mashup

1. There is NO SUCH THING as African Culture.