As if that makes it any less funny. I just watched a Nazi get punched in the face 20 times. It’s hilarious.
As if that makes it any less funny. I just watched a Nazi get punched in the face 20 times. It’s hilarious.
I don’t condone violence, even against Dick Spencer, but I’m also kind of impressed by the puncher’s approach. He/she ran in, leapt, and hit Dick Spencer square in the head. And did he/she escape after someone grabbed the sweatshirt? Did the puncher keep running into the sunset, punching white supremacists until time…
C’mon...that was one Heil of a sucker punch.
Too bad someone didn’t give him a Third Reich in the kisser.
Spencer did nazi that coming....
If the guy who punched him gets arrested I will gladly donate to a fund to pay his bail. That guy is the hero we need right now.
Things must be going fucking great in some alternate universe. Lucky assholes.
It’s meaningless bullshit. He’s a fucking racist and all of the people he put into the cabinet are there to mess up the agency they’re in charge of.
“You should be happy your rapist settled for you. Nobody else wants you.”
Kelly Anne Conway thought it was a good idea to leave the house this morning dressed like a nutcracker, why the fuck would I take any of her advice?
She looks like a boss from Bioshock Infinite
Welcome, to the anti-inauguration concert! Comin’ atcha live from the comment section of Jezebel. It’s time to make america great again, and what better way to start than with a series of great songs by great artists. Lets have a hand for our opening act! Here’s Tool with - Sober.
I’m not sure I should be starring some of these comments, but it just seems like that kind of a day.
I occasionally wipe myself out on Robitussin Forte when I want to lose consciousness for a while but not have the nausea and discomfort of a hangover the next day. Once I made a mistake and bought the yellow bottle. That one doesn’t knock you out even remotely, it just gives you the shits. Lesson learned.
Melania’s doing the robot Nazi - how charming!
I was born during the Carter administration, so Nixon was definitely not on my radar. I’m not going to defend Reagan on AIDS. Same for GW. I’m not going to defend his decisions.
I hope I don’t sound too obnoxious eye roll, but I have a few mutual friends with the Bush family and they have all talked about how lovely the Bush’s are (obviously they’re friends with them so they’d say that). However, they’ve also mention George H.W. and George W.’s hatred for Trump.
Sure, she lost because her campaign was just horrible. No. other. reason...
Politics aside, I do send him my best wishes. I also feel for W, who I’m sure would rather spend time with his father than be at the inauguration. Because real talk, “responding well to treatments” at age 92 is pretty guarded language.