Nyabugogo gone

(Usually I feel like correcting grammar or spelling or usage on the internet is somewhere between “waste of time” and “being a pedantic ass” ... but not recognizing someone’s gender is insulting and demeaning. Transgender women are women. Please refer to Manning as “she/her”.

Just a heads up, since no one appears to be taking your concerns seriously - the original concerns about toxicity were related to aluminum-containing anti-perspirants, not deodorants. Deodorant is generally acceptable to even the most chemoavoidant consumer (unless of course you have fragrance sensitivity, which is

The names of specific Afghans who worked with the US during our time there would likely be of interest. Not to the regular news readers, but certainly to members of the Taliban.

Well I judge those people too. But if you think porn has caused more people to suffer than any other kind of entertainment that all normal people enjoy — movies, sports, the music industry — then you’re just not paying very close attention. Or, you’re paying very selective attention to support some ideological

It can’t be better spent. It’s a far-right talking point that aid is “wasteful”, completely contradicted by real world evidence that foreign aid is both helpful and efficient in spreading US influence.

Gambling isn’t a basic need of humans you fucking asshole. And you realize some women have legitimate health problems that hormonal contraceptives treat? Are you not having sex or something and you want to punish the rest of us who do get to have sex?

The fact the you compare a woman not wanting to become pregnant with a baby she can’t afford with gambling tells me you haven’t had sex in a very long time.

i’m trying to buy a house right now.

I just don’t know why we still feel the need to retreat into pro and anti porn factions, y’all. Women face exploitation and violence in every profession. And the entire entertainment industry is built on those practices. We should talk about those problems and advocate for performers in these industries. For every

Dear Kara,

Having “one message”, or at the very least “a cohesive message”, is the best way for a march like this one to actually be effective. There are hundreds of issues that are important to someone, somewhere in this beautifully diverse country of ours. Education, the cost of child care, minimum wage, health care access,

I completely disagree with the notion that white women who voted for Trump are now seeing the error of their ways and attending this march. Unless you have some data to back up that claim. But I find it preposterous.

I’m still a little unsettled by Hannah’s article about the hacking.

It’s right to say “you’re not listening”. But it’s not right to say this march is some how undone or lacking relevancy because some of them aren’t listening.

Really? Really? Can we ever...EVER stop eating our own? We (progressives) have the biggest single enemy (obvious) to defeat since...Christ I don’t even know who...and we’re still doing this? We’re going to criticize and alienate white people who are late to the party for being late to the party? Now is not the

Do us all a favor and use your dismiss button on laffter4555. Trolls shouldn’t have the right to come here and call you or any of us “bitchy”. Misogynists deserve to be dismissed.


Yeah, I don’t think nepotism is an issue; I think CORRUPTION is an issue. Hillary Clinton working on universal health care in the 1990's was not about finding ways to make money for herself or her family.

Except we already have a ruling on whether the nepotism law applies, so I was discussing the issue that I consider to be of importance, i.e. “qualification”. I didn’t argue that the law applies to the executive branch appointments, but rather that this is not my issue with Kushner’s appointment? See how that works?