Nyabugogo gone

The use of the “but they were wrong about the WMDs!” argument might be the scariest thing about this whole issue for me. The very people who insisted that it was unamerican to question the invasion of Iraq are now using that invasion (based, as you said, on partisan manipulation of classified intelligence) to

All I’m getting out of this is that whoever wrote the NYT piece doesn’t understand what an analysis is. The report’s declassified, of course it’s not going to have any of the actual intel that led them to their conclusion in it. And fuck whatever Putin’s mouthpieces are saying, they’re irrelevant because we know

Replying to bump

Agreed. This doesn’t seem all that earth shattering. Why would they present all of their evidence? Particularly when it could endanger people’s lives. This isn’t a court of law, Russia doesn’t get full disclosure.

I literally just told you the reason to not present evidence is that high value assets would be exposed and their lives in danger. You can believe whatever you want but if you truly believe the FBI, CIA, and NSA got together and spun a huge lie well, maybe they are dumping the chemtrails over my house too.

THIS. Also, it was only the declassified parts.

Guesswork is part of intelligence work, always has been. This reminds me of the folks that hoot and yell about evolution only being a “theory”. Reading the cyber attack tea leaves is not the same as making a judgement to go to war over nonexistent WMD’s, that’s a straw man right there.

Member when Assange prolonged the publishing of hacked DNC e-mails to keep the story in the news cycle as long as possible?

Can the Equadorian Embassy leak Assange into the hands of Swedes so that he can face rape charges?

Of cooooourse leaks are “bad” when they don’t benefit the person you’re trying to help by leaking shit.

Obama didn’t do the same thing.

I’m gay, and I’d honestly rather have Pence than Trump...that’s how bad he is.

He also wouldn’t launch the nukes no matter how hard Palin would be humping his leg to do so.

McCain, Graham and many others in the old moderate GOP may be Small Government and bad to awful at minority rights but at least they play the game fairly and respectfully. They at least talk with those who disagree with them and will usually listen if the evidence is presented before them.

At least John McCain was capable of showing a shred of decency with regards to his political opponent. Trump’s version was just going back on a batfuck crazy promise to jail his rival.

I mean, presumably the cable read: “On January 21st, all ambassadors will be formally recalled. Make plans accordingly.”

My god the next four years are going to be a fuckfest.

“but can you blame him for wanting to keep jobs here. For one, would you rather have a car made in the U.S or Mexico?”

but can you blame him for wanting to keep jobs here.

omg a typo on jalopnik... thats unpresidented!