The truth is Texas already has laws against celebratory gunfire (snce ‘95), so I assume he would have ignored any such request as a duplicate without proof that it happens. He found proof of an issue and is working on solving it, that’s what I see.
The truth is Texas already has laws against celebratory gunfire (snce ‘95), so I assume he would have ignored any such request as a duplicate without proof that it happens. He found proof of an issue and is working on solving it, that’s what I see.
Actually Mando Martinez is one of the few Texas reps who does give a fuck. He is famous in the legislature for using all the resources available to prevent the Republican supermajority in the Texas House from just bulldozing everything with their terrible bills. Way to jump to conclusions with 0 context.
Wall Street Journal has some nerve considering they won’t call Trump’s lies “lies.”
“This is why a manual transmission drive is never a smooth experience.”
Thiiiiiiiis. Libertarianism is a joke. My favorite is when I get harassed by tea baggers on Facebook and they unironically tell me that I am the one who lives in a liberal utopia. Like, how long have you been awake that you assume the general public are not all fucking morons? 9/10 people are one mistake away from…
Celebratory gunfire is a thing I learned about in Sudan when I lived there. Such is my liberal bubble, I was unaware that it was a thing in the US. Truly, we are the third-world country of first-world countries.
Yes, unions vs. transgender bathroom rights, the classic “either-or” choice.
Oh I let loose on that guy on my Facebook a few days ago. (he’s also the guy that Madeleine wrote about recently-my version of Tom the friendly ass-grabber.) He was bitching that “lefties” are a bunch of hypocrites because we applaud fines for bakeries that refuse to bake gay wedding cakes but also applaud Elton John…
Yup. They drive me batty because they think “government” should basically not exist except.....everyone should behave exactly as they would in any given situation. And when you ask them what will happen when people don’t behave as they would, they don’t have an answer for you. Like, literally, no thought beyond…
Libertarians are navel-gazers who think that everyone should just believe and behave like they do. They’re like children, but without even the smallest shred of empathy.
#GunshotsOrFireworks is a very real thing that happens during holidays.
Yeah but he’s English and none of their men are ever pretty, except Daniel Craig.
And this is why I think libertarians are basically bullshit.
Gravity is a liberal conspiracy to keep us down (literally). The wikileaks proved it.
everybody knows better than to get a gun and fire it up in the air because what goes up must come down.